Chapter Forty-Six

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*Maeve Miller*

"I was pregnant". The statement played on repeat in her head.

Her friends didn't process the information, and it's implications, but Maeve did. 

"Mikael was after me, and almost killed your unborn baby in the process." Maeve was numb. "So rather than protect me, you decided it would be better to cut your losses and try again with an easier kid. You already had one on the way." 

"Maeve." Her father reached for her hand and she moved quickly.

"Don't." She hissed. "You named her Anastasia." 

Her mom had tears in her eyes. "We couldn't protect you Maeve." 

"Neither could the foster homes." She kept her face blank. "I started protecting myself at six!" She took a deep breath and kept her voice even. 

"You're here now." Her dad tried again. 

"I visited your grave." Maeve watched them flinch. "My life fell apart and I went to visit two empty plots." She was slowly falling apart. "God, I'm so stupid." Her face fell into her hands and Caroline pulled her closer. 

"We're so sorry Maeve." 

"No you're not." She took a deep breath. "I'm not either for what I'm about to say." 

"Maeve." Stefan cautioned and examined her. He must have been okay with he saw because he nodded. 

"I hope her magic never gets out of your control, otherwise you'll make a second orphan." Maeve watched them flinch. "And I sincerely hope she never needs you to protect her, because I can't be sure that you would."

"That's not fair." 

"Screw fair." 

"We tried to help. We left a trust so you wouldn't struggle, we still took care of you even if we weren't there." Her mom tried.

"You were cowards." She hissed. "You think money makes up for anything?"

"It has to mean something." Her father tried. 

"All it means is that you had no idea how to legally get your things back without me finding the truth." Maeve watched guilt flicker across their faces. "It means you chose to run rather than be honest for once in your lives."

"You can't judge us on one act alone." 

"Does she even know who I am?" Maeve gestured to the little girl surrounded by her friends. "Does she even know that you had another child?"

Her mother looked down. "We didn't know how to explain it."

"You didn't know how to explain that you were okay abandoning me, but would never," She put extra emphasis on that word. "Do the same to her."

"We never meant for this to hurt you, Maeve. We truly did the best we could." Her father made another grab for her hand that she avoided. 

"Your intentions don't matter to me. As for the trust that makes you think you are entitled to my life, I will paying it back." Maeve didn't allow them to protest. "I want nothing to do with either of you."

She stood from the table and grabbed the grimoire out of her bag. "Take this too. A gift for when she's older." Maeve threw it on the table. "I outgrew that magic years ago." 

Anastasia ran up, and Maeve crouched down and stole the girl's attention. 

"I'm heading home, honey." Maeve tilted her head. "I just wanted to give you a few things first." 

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