Chapter Fifty-Two

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*Maeve Mikaelson*

Maeve stayed with Davina that night, unwilling to have the girl wake up alone. 

The rest of her morning was spent exploring the quarter some more while talking with Asher. As predicted, he was okay with their new child and even offered to come down to meet her. 

Maeve predictably said no. She loved him, and there was no way she would allow a trip that could hurt him. There wasn't enough time to sort things out with Marcel, and it was too soon. She had only been here for a day. 

She paused as she let that fact sink in. A day in, and she already adopted a kid. Sure, it wasn't on paper, and Maeve wasn't really her mom, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for the kid so like her. It made the city feel less lonely.

Ash understood. He watched her when she first came to his town. He saw her seclude herself, watched as she didn't fight to make her own place. He knew that she would do the same here if given the choice, and no one would bring her out the same way he did. 

"I think it's a good idea." 

Maeve huffed. "Track down werewolves? That's your idea of a fun weekend?" 

"You need allies without fangs." He spoke simply. "The Paxton pack was on good terms with the Crescents, your scent will keep you safe." 

"You certainly took care of that one, didn't you." She teased.

"We both know I regret nothing."

"Yeah, we do." She shook her head. "I suppose I could give it another shot. I left a note and a phone but never heard back, I could always see if it's still there." 


"Although, I will warn you." She started slowly. "I can't make them accept my help, and there is still a chance I can't do anything." 

"I know." 

"The magic in this city is heavily involved in blood and ancestral magic. There may be the only way to undo it." 

"So make friends." 

"Have you met these people?" She ducked into an alley and leaned against the wall. "These witches sacrificed three teenagers; I don't believe reasonable is currently in their vocabulary." 

Asher sighed. "Just do your best, Princess. At the very least, you'll have something to occupy your time." 

Maeve considered his point. "I do see myself getting bored here. Alright." 

"Thank you." He breathed out in relief. "Are you ready for class?" 

"Mostly." She started walking again. "I start in a week." 

"And your birthday?" 

She smiled. "Three days." 

"What are you doing for it?" 

"Hopefully nothing. That day is cursed." 

"You are so dramatic." 

"I was being held hostage on the last one," She reminded. "In fact, I've been held hostage on a few of them." 

"That's really concerning." 

"That's life."

"No, it's not." She could imagine the head shake. "Look, I've got to go, but we'll talk later?" 

"See ya, Lover." She smirked.

"Miss ya, Princess."

She hung up and sipped her coffee. She would likely visit the bayou tomorrow. 

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now