Chapter Twenty-Nine

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*Maeve Miller*

Maeve was skipping class today. No, she was not being an irresponsible teenager who thought school was a waste of her time. Yes, she did actually think that, but this was an excused absence. She was spending the afternoon sitting in a hospital before the dinner party tonight.

Nik had called and told her it was mandatory, but that there would be a surprise. It intrigued her enough to agree without a fight, if she managed to get out at a decent hour, something that currently didn't seem likely.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Fell." The woman walked into the room and Maeve tilted her head.

"Aren't you dating Ric?"

"You know Ric?"

"In this town, everyone knows everyone." Maeve shrugged. "I heard he broke up with Jenna, weird timing."

The woman shifted on her feet. "I don't know anything about that."

"Hmmm." Maeve eyed her. "How strongly do you follow Hippa?"

The woman chuckled in an attempt to lessen the tension. "I'm very serious about that oath." The woman assured her. "However, I can get you another doctor for your intake?"

"It's just the intake. Will the Cardiologist be private?"

"Yes, nothing to worry about." The woman promised. "So what brought you in? You records say you saw another doctor in Chicago a month ago."

"Have you received those records yet?"

"We have."

"Well um. With my condition, I'm supposed to avoid stress, and as I'm sure you're aware, this town provides plenty of it." Maeve chuckled sheepishly. "That episode was extreme, but after my dosage was corrected I've had no issues."

"Until now?" The woman prompted.

"Yeah. I uh-" She couldn't figure out how to describe it. "Something is wrong, I know it is."

"Wrong how?"

"When this happened on Monday, I didn't just feel like I couldn't breath or that my heart was beating differently. I felt like my heart wasn't really beating? Like it wasn't working."

The woman went through all of her documents. "When was the last time you had you heart mapped?" She shuffled some more. "You had an EKG, but that wouldn't help with this."

"I don't know. Maybe when I was younger?" Maeve played with the bracelets Marcel had given her, thinking of Kol for some reason.

The woman made a sound and continued flipping through her chart. "You said you felt like your heart wasn't beating. Do you mean like there was no blood moving? Or that it just stopped?"

"I don't know." Maeve shook her head. "All I know is that I couldn't move, or think, or do anything except wait for it to end."

The woman marked some more things down. "Let me see what I can do."

Her new doctor came in an hour later and got straight to business. Maeve spent most of the day having ink injected into her blood, so they could map her heart. Then she had an ultrasound, and another EKG, and every other thing the doctor demanded they get.

Maeve got nervous after she asked for the second test, everything else only heightened those feelings. It was only when two doctors came to explain the results did she understand.

"So Miss Miller, I brought a good friend of mine, a Cardiothoracic Surgeon, to consult."

Maeve examined the two. "How bad is it?"

Maeve MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now