Chapter Thirty

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*Maeve Miller*

She sipped her coffee as Elijah and her continued their stroll through the woods.

"So let me get this straight, Ester rose from the dead, has forgiven Nik, and wants to throw a party?" She spoke slowly, trying to will the words to make sense.

"That about sums it up." Elijah looked tired.

"That is some bullshit." She laughed out. "Tell me you don't actually believe a word coming from her mouth?"

He paused, and she immediately felt bad about laughing, because he did. He wanted to see the best in his mother, and she couldn't.

"I don't know."

"Elijah," She spoke gently. "I know I've always been the naive one, but you can't honestly trust this."

"She wants us to be a family, and that includes you, Maeve." He pulled her to a stop. "She wants to mend the bonds broken a thousand years ago and we are obligated to try."

"I see no issue with playing nice." She conceded. "But I know witches, and most importantly I know your mother." She looked up. "She will attempt to restore the balance of her time."

"Why have you never tried?" He seemed genuinely curious, but she though it. This was an attempt to change the subject, and she allowed it. "You certainly have the power for it."

"Balance is an illusion. The world is always changing, and not even witches can prevent it." She stopped to pick one of the final flowers of the year. "Besides, I've never liked death, I've seen enough of it."

He looked over at her but didn't push, instead opting to try for something different, something that had been on his mind all morning. "Maeve, may I ask a favor?"

"Of course." She looked down, expecting a spell or something similar.

"Would you be comfortable coming by the house today? Kol and Finn would really like to see you."

That was not what she was expecting, and she immediately felt guilty for assuming Elijah would be like everyone else and trying to use her.

"I wouldn't even know what to say." She spoke honestly.

"Well, we are all getting fitted for suits and Bekah a dress, so maybe you won't have to say anything." He spoke quietly, like she was a wounded animal he didn't want to spook. "We will go at your pace Maeve."

She paused. "Alright. But know that this is for you, not any of them."

"Thank you, flower." He continued on their path.

"No problem." She looked around. "What time do I need to be there?"

"The Ball is tonight at Seven, so I was hoping that you could come after this?" He gave her a wide smile that made him look younger.

"Fine, but you must promise to make sure I leave at four. I have to get ready for whatever this disaster will be."

He chuckled. "Do you truly think so little of us?"

She gave him a look he would remember from his childhood. "Are you seriously asking me that?"

He continued to laugh as they finished their walk.

She was nervous, really nervous. Her memories of the three remaining Mikaelsons were not always pleasant, especially when Ester was involved. Maeve didn't want to be guilted into giving their mother a chance.

Elijah offered to drive her there and back so she had a reason to leave the house once she arrived. She appreciated it, because Maeve knew that she was easy to manipulate, that had been proven over and over again.

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