Chapter Thirty-Nine

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*Maeve Miller* 

She had lasted less than a week before Elijah contacted her. She had only a week of peace, before doomsday was upon them. She hated Mystic Falls with a passion. 

It was a Saturday, the first Saturday in recent memory where she had nothing to do. As per her new routine, she checked her email, expected to see nothing, was disappointed. 

It's why she immediately hopped on a call with Elijah. 

"Dammit!" She yelled and broke another coffee mug with her temperamental magic. 

"I'm sorry, flower, but we have Finn, and that means all that is left is your part of the spell." Elijah spoke patiently. 

"Fuck!" She broke a plate, not liking how judgmental her cat's eyes felt on her.

"Language, Maeve." 

"Oh, fuck you." She growled. "I just got here. I like it here!" 

"I will buy you a plane ticket and once the spell is done you will go right back." He promised. "Even if I have to dagger Henrik and Bekah myself, and spend all day breaking Niklaus's neck so you won't be followed." 

"I have dibs on the daggering." She spoke with venom. "I'll be there." 

"Really?" Elijah sounded shocked. "You're actually agreeing?" 

"Yes." She spoke bitterly. "I have been reading through Ester's grimoire and happened to discover something interesting in it. I should probably inform everyone, so no one does anything stupid." She started looking through her phone to find someone who would possibly housesit.  "Or stupider than usual." 

Brett spends weekends working on the ranch, so she was positive he would be thrilled to be closer to work for a couple of days. However, she didn't trust him. 

"Interesting? I've been through the book before." 

She chuckled. "I love you Lijah, but you don't look at things like a witch. I'm not surprised it's been missed." 

"And why is that?" He was having her talk about facts to minimize her anger at the situation. It was his favorite tactic from when they were growing up, and she was frustrated to say it was working. 

"Because it's really damn clever." She grabbed the grimoire and set it in her book bag.

He waited a second. "You're not going to tell me, are you?" 

"I'm gonna tell you, but when I do it will be dramatic." She grinned wickedly.

"You sound like Kol." 

"Take it back, brother." She warned and he chuckled.

"Fine, fine." He conceded. "Let us discuss the plans for your arrival." 

She resigned herself to enlisting Brett as a house sitter. "Lets." 

Three hours later and she was on a plane to Virginia. She felt like a ghost for all of it. She probably looked like a ghost too. Maeve was far too pale, something that didn't go unnoticed by the TSA along with the way her hands never seemed to stop shaking. In fact, the nice man even asked if she was safe, and actually wanted to get on the plane. She appreciated the concern. 

She was freaking out by the time she landed and entered the rental car. In her preparation for her trip, she put three more vials of her magic cure on her body, took double her usual dose of medicine, and wore her specialized bracelet that tracked her heart. She knew this trip would be hard on her in a bad way. 

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