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George POV.

I can't believe I agreed to meet up with Dream and I don't know what I am supposed to do. Sure the 2 of us had talked a lot on discord but we've never actually met face to face, heck I didn't even know what he looked like.

The opposite is said for me. He knew what I looked like because I often used a face can, but he didn't know about two things which not many people did know about. Those things are a tail and some ears.

Yes, I am part cat. With a pair of brown ears and a brown tail, both the same colour as my hair. I never have told anyone about it and the only people who actually knew that I spoke to often were my parents and they told me to hide it.

And to anyone who might be surprised about how I have kept hidden, I kept my ears lowered, which was uncomfortable but bearable after doing it for ages. My tail was harder to hide, but I managed to fit it under my oversized hoodie gifted by the blond himself. It was wrapped around my waist and felt even more uncomfortable than my ears.

Which brings me to now, standing in an airport. In my hands was a sign with the name 'Clay Smith' (name canonised by 4) written in big blue and green letters because I knew Dream would recognise it instantly.

My face was looking down at my phone as I checked his texts. He left Florida on time and the flight should have landed 10 minutes ago, so where was he?

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind, and I helped before spinning around causing the person holding me to let out a wheeze. "Hey George," the blond greeted, and I lifted my gaze to look up at him.

Dream looked a lot like I had imagined him to look, and seeing him made me smile and almost made my ears perk up. Almost.

"Dream!" I almost screeched in excitement as I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back.

My arms stayed wrapped around his neck while he was wrapped around my back. We stayed like that for a few moments until his hands got too close to where my tail was and I had to push him off, even though I didn't want to.

"How was your trip?" I asked, trying to ignore the tension caused by me pushing him off of me.

Dream gave me a small smile. "It was long and boring. When we get to your house I expect a comfy bed for me to pass out on." He joked, and I giggled.

It was only now that I noticed the two bags sitting on either side of him, and with a small smile I grabbed one of the bags and began leading him to the car. We loaded the bags into the backseat before I climbed into the driver's seat.

A few hours later

Dream had been sleeping for a while now, and while he was asleep I was laying on the couch with my tail flicking slightly and my ears up, twitching slightly as I listened for a sign the blond was awake. I'd been scrolling through tiktok for a while, while eating some snacks.

It was 7pm and I was considering waking Dream up and ordering food for the both of us, but I didn't. Eventually I ordered some burgers from McDonald's, along with some chips and drinks and hoped that the blond would like them.

Shortly before the food was going to arrive I heard the door to the blond's room open and almost dropped my phone in my desperation to cover my tail and ears. Thankfully he didn't notice as he sat beside me and leaned on me.

"George. I'm hungry." The blond whined, dragging out my name when he said it.

"Don't worry. I ordered food which should be here in less than 10 minutes." I responded, and Dream smiled.

"What did you get?" He asked curiously as he leaned closer to my face.

"Just some food from McDonald's, some burgers and fries and drinks." I responded, and before he could ask what burgers and drinks I got I told him he'd see what there was when it arrived.

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