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George POV

I glared at Dream as we walked down the halls to detention. He and I had gotten into a fight and we'd both been given after school detention. The blond just ignored me as we dodged between the flood of students heading in the opposite direction towards the exit of the school.

To anyone wondering about the fight, it had been a small thing that had been going on for a while, he and I had had some 'sexual tension' for a while now, or at least that is what Dream says. Small arguments popped up every now and then for the past year or so, but today was the only day it had gotten physical.

During the argument today, on the school fields during lunch time, his group of friends made their way over to me, sitting peacefully and reading my book in the shade of a tree. I asked them to leave since they were being loud and annoying and then they began insulting me.

Most of their insults consisted of the fact that I was gay, which is true. I have been openly gay for the past couple of years. Dream had stayed silent most of this time but after his friends nagged at him for a while he finally spoke up.

"I don't see why you are annoyed, you always did like to have a lot of big strong men talking about you, didn't you~" he purred, which made my face burn in anger.

I dropped my book and lunged at him, yelling at the blond as I did. Dream was bigger and stronger than me and after a moment of shock he began trying to push me off of him.

Other students began gathering around and eventually a teacher came to break up the fight, she sent us to the school nurse and gave us both after school detention for today. What was almost as bad was the fact that Dream and I had the same last classes for the afternoon, and in one of them we were sitting beside each other.

So that is how we were here. Dream was a few steps ahead of me and walked up the stairs before heading into the class where we had detention before me. When I walked inside of the room and held the door open while giving me a cocky smirk. I ignored him and sat down at a desk beside the window, looking out as the students left.

I heard the sound of scraping chair legs and saw Dream sitting in the chair beside me, which made me scoff and look away again, although I felt the blonds eyes on me. To try and distract myself from him I looked around the classroom and saw that nobody else was there, after a few minutes though a teacher walked in.

He was the teacher that Dream and I had for History, and we were some of his favourite students, although I am surprised that anybody would have Dream as a favourite. He walked in and looked at the pair of us for a moment. "Well having you two in here sure is a surprise." he stated, looking from the blond to me.

I didn't respond, but Dream gave a hum. The teacher sighed and gave a small smile to the pair of us. "You two haven't had detention before but you know the basic rules right?" he asked, and both of us gave him a nod. 2 hour detention, and we weren't allowed to go anywhere besides the bathroom, given we've had a teacher's permission.

"Well I have to go do some work in my classroom, and I trust you both to behave. Would you two do that?" I didn't respond but the blond beside me nodded, and the teacher gave a smile as he stood up and walked to the door. "I will check on you both in a half hour, but you two know where my class is if you need me." he said before exiting.

For a few minutes there was silence, although it did seem that Dream wanted to make conversation, and occasionally he attempted to but I ignored him every time. My head rested against the window and I found myself studying every detail of the outside.

I froze however when I felt a hand on my leg, and turned to see it was Dream. He wasn't making eye contact but it felt like he was watching me out of the corner of his eye to see what I would do. In an instant I grabbed his hand tightly and moved it off of my leg, but as I turned away his hand was back on me again, this time on my thigh.

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