The Party

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George POV.

"Hurry up and spin the bottle George." A drunk Sapnap hummed from beside me, leaning onto my shoulder before I pushed him off.

"Fine." I responded, grabbing the empty beer bottle and spinning it in the middle of the circle.

It spun around at least a dozen times before slowing down and the entire group watched it silently as it moved. Eventually it stopped in front of a blond , whose eyes shifted between the bottle and me a few times while neither of us moved other than that.

"Aww look at that." Sapnap cooed. "It looks like Dreamie and Georgie will be stuck in the closet for 7 minutes. I wonder what will happen." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up and the blond reluctantly followed.

We were led into Sapnap's room, since this was his party, and the ravenette pushed us into the closet before we heard him walking towards the door. "I'll come get you in 7 minutes. Do whatever you two want without making a mess," he called before we heard the sound of the door shut.

I let out an awkward sigh as I looked up at Dream, and the blond smirked back down at me. He and I had been enemies for years, with our only connection being our friendship with Sapnap. So this was going to be an extraordinarily awkward 7 minutes. I leaned against the wall and refused to make eye contact with the blond while I had a scowl on my face.

"What's with the sour face Georgie?" He cooed teasingly, grabbing my chin in his hand and forcing me to make eye contact with him. I was certain it was because of alcohol even though I haven't seen him drink all night.

"I'm sure that you'd know why." I retorted, glaring at him and trying to pull myself from his grasp although I was unsuccessful.

"No I don't. Did I do something?" He asked with a questioning expression, continuing to hold my face in his hand.

"Of course you did something! You always end up doing something!" I snapped back the second he finished his sentence.

"Oh sure, and what did I do?" The blond asked, but I decided to only respond with a shrug before pulling his hand away from my face and turning ahead so I wasn't looking at him.

It felt like an hour had passed and Sapnap still hadn't come to get us. I wondered if he had gotten drunk and blacked out. I wanted to check my phone to see what time it was but I had left it on the table beside Sapnap's couch, and god knows I wasn't going to ask Dream for it.

Even though I refused to talk to the blond he seemed to be thinking the exact same thing that I was. "Where the hell is Sapnap. Surely it has been 7 minutes and this is feeling absolutely nothing like heaven." Dream huffed.

"Don't you have a phone or a watch or something else to tell how long we have been locked in this tiny closet?" I questioned.

"No." Dream replied, "and I'm assuming that you don't either."

"Nope," I responded, putting extra emphasis on the 'p'.

"Then why don't we do something to pass the time?" He hummed, leaning forward and pinning me against the wall, causing me to let out a light whine as one of his legs brushed up against my crotch. Dream didn't seem to notice what he'd accidentally done as he leaned close to my ear.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked, "are you okay with me doing this?" At his questions I just continued to let out a whimper from the unknown pressure between my legs.

He kissed below my ear softly and I froze, taking in the feeling of his lips against my skin.

When I didn't push him away I felt him smile against me and continue to press kisses down the side of my face, and down my neck. Eventually he pressed his lips against a patch of skin which made me let out a small moan, and he smirked at me.

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