Four Times The Love

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Prompt from godesoflove
4,600 words so didn't bother to proof read. Enjoy.
George POV.

"How could you not think that this was something important to tell me?!" I screamed at my husband as he cowered against the wall. Despite being colour blind I saw red, in the two years we'd been married and the six years before that we'd been dating I had never been this pissed at him.

Dream's fear filled gaze remained as he answered. "I'm sorry George. I just-"
"Is it about the money?" I questioned, rolling my eyes at the thought. "Did you need the money Dream? Is it because you needed the money?" After asking that I slumped against the wall beside the TV, looking at the four identical figures looking at me.

For some reason Dream didn't think it was important to tell me that he'd taken up a job for a laboratory, and today when he came home he was dropped off with three identical clones who now sat on the couch. All of them had the same guilt filled expression.

"Well the lab said that they could help set up lives for them. Get them homes, jobs, they aren't going to all be here forever." Dream tried to reassure me, moving to attempt to kiss my face. I just glared, scaring him back over to the couch without a word.
"I don't like the idea of my husband out there with other lives, with other partners."

"They aren't your husband… I am."
"Do they have your DNA?" I asked.
"Well they do," Dream nodded.
"And do they have your name?"
"They do."
"Do they have the same voice?" I continued.
"Well… yeah…"

"Then they are my husbands! And I don't like the thought of my husband going off who knows where. How will I know that you don't go or switch with them?" I asked.
"Because I love you." Dream tried, moving over to me again and holding me. "I love you and would never think of leaving you. Remember our vows?"

"But how will I know that?" I asked, looking at him desperately. "You look identical to them! You are even wearing all the same clothes!"
"And we all sound the same." One of the clones piped up before getting elbowed by another one.

I scrambled to find something to say before shaking my head and running upstairs. This just was too much. I needed a moment to think. When I reached the master bedroom I shut the door and stormed into the ensuite bathroom not even bothering to turn the lights on. My hands clutched the sides of the sink while I sobbed into the mirror.

For a few minutes I just stood there with the door open and providing enough light to make my tears glisten. How could Dream do this, especially without telling me?
How long had this even been going on? Had these clones been around for a few weeks? A few months? Years? Have they been around longer than I had?

A knock on the door caused me to freeze before slowly walking over to it. I opened it just a slither, seeing Dream's face there. I shook my head before stepping back. "Dream, I don't want to talk to you right now."
"Oh I'm not Dream." He shook his head. "Well I am Dream… but not your Dream."

"Oh, you are one of the clones?" I didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, I was just stressed. "I didn't mean to sound mad at you."
"It's nothing." He reassured me, and as I looked at him I could see how he was absolutely identical. "And I'm sorry that we ruined your marriage."

"You didn't ruin our marriage." I reassured the anxious blond. "Dream's… my Dream, just has never kept a secret before, and one this big is…" I shook my head.
"Can I come in?" He asked. "Please? I just want to be able to see what your room looks like." I nodded, stepping to the side and the clone pushed the door open.

"It's very beautiful." He said with a smile. I thanked him as he began wandering around, looking at everything as though it was a work of art. "Your whole house looks beautiful."
"Yes, I love this house. Dream and I invest every spare cent we have on this place." I told him. After saying that I was suddenly pulled into a kiss by the Dream.

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