The Love and Lust Hotel (part 2)

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Thanks 4 for uploading this for me and anyway enjoy.

And it is very long sorry

(Soft power bottom George)
Dream POV

For an hour, perhaps more I was laying with the brunette while we watched a movie I had picked. My mind was feeling fuzzy, but in a good way. My head was resting on his chest and he had one arm wrapped around my waist and the other playing with my hair. It was the first time I'd ever been in a position like this and I loved it.

My ex, she was never one for affection like this. If anything ever happened to her she'd bottle it up and just leave the house with no explanation. If anything ever happened to me she would say that I needed to man up and stop being such a baby. So I had gone against most forms of touch.

But it wasn't just when something bad happened, it was always. For example, she'd be as far away from me as possible when we slept, or after sex she'd lay in bed while making me get up to clean up the room, or make her dinner. I explained that to George when he asked if I wanted to cuddle during the movie, he just looked appalled before directing me into the position we were in now.

I wasn't even focusing on the film anymore. My mind felt as though it was drifting through space, and I let out a relaxed hum, only focusing on the way his hands would move over my body in caring movements. It seemed as though the brunette knew the way I was reacting to him, and he continued.

The smallest bit of guilt was boiled up inside me. There were probably other things that George needed to do right now, things that didn't involve me. It made me wonder if I should tell him to leave, but I selfishly didn't because I knew that I'd probably fall apart and cry the moment he left, and I wanted to prolong that for as long as possible.

Just the thought of being alone again brought some tears to my eyes, and I found George quickly realising and adjusting his position so he could see my face. "Dream, sweetheart, why are you crying?" He asked in a soft voice, the British accent pushing through and making my heart flutter lightly.

"I'm sorry." I responded, not giving a physical answer, or a physical reason as to why I was crying. "But… but maybe you should go." I moved to wipe my tears away but his gentle hold on my own hands stopped me.
"Why do you want me to go? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, wiping my tears with his hand.

"It's not that." I answered in a hushed voice, melting into his soft touches on my face. "It's just, you probably have much better things to do than stay with me."
"Not at the moment." He shook his head. "I have nothing else on today, I can stay as long as you need me to." His reassurance made me feel slightly better before his hands moved to my chest, motioning for me to lay down on him again.

I did exactly that, making myself comfortable once again and melting into the way that the brunette was touching me. "It feels good." I murmured, not even sure why I was saying it, just wanting George to know that he was helping I guess. A small chuckle was what I got in response, along with a 'glad to hear it sweetheart.'

His touches were those of a pro, which was understandable seeing what his job was. A pang of jealousy was inside of me as I thought of George doing this with someone else. He'd touch them the same way. Call them the same nicknames. Make them feel as light and floaty as I do now. This made me realise just how unspecial I was.

"Do you do this stuff with other people?" I asked, wanting him to just rip off the metaphorical bandaid and tell me that I wasn't special, but much to my surprise he shook his head.
"Most of the guys who come here aren't into this kind of stuff. They will come here but tell their wives they've gone for a business meeting. Then they want a quick and easy fuck who will do things their wives won't."

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