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Tenth Part!

Okay that's all.

A royalty AU

Really long and unedited so I hope you enjoy
George POV

I fucking hate my king. King Dream, mainly because my parents lived and worked here which meant I was raised in the castle also having to work for the young king. Ever since I was old enough to walk and talk I'd be trained on how to be polite, how to properly clean, how to carry large plates of food and drink around, and it sucked.

The king was a couple years younger than me, but since I was also one of the youngest servants it meant that I was practically guaranteed to work for him when I am older, and so that is who they had me look after. From the ripe old age of five I'd spend my days switching between lessons, and looking after the blond brat.

He was so obnoxious, being raised to be a 'proper' king so he was much more mature than his age would suggest.  But his maturity didn't stop me from having to clean up his room whenever he made a mess, or be the one to organise and deliver every meal. It was as if he wasn't smart enough to be independent.

Despite the fact that I've worked for him his whole life, he never remembers who I am. In fact the only member of staff who he can name is his old teacher Philza, who was responsible for teaching Dream up until his eighteenth birthday, since all of the other kids in the palace had to share an old, batty teacher who looked like she'd die by moving too fast.

The only other staff members he can name are his three personal knights; Sapnap, Techno, and Punz. Just like me the three of them were close in age to the king, but unlike me they were able to goof off. Because the palace is already secure enough that nobody could get in to kill Dream, plus the public all loved him since he was nice to them all, none of them had to work. They were just all paid to hang out with their friend.

Two of the knights were just as obnoxious as he was, but Techno was the exception. Both of us shared a common interest in books, and would often come across each other in the library reading. His father was Philza, and he had two other brothers, one an entertainer in the king's court, and the other was training to be a knight.

It was exactly a year ago that Dream was made king, usually it would happen after his parents had passed away, but instead they had decided to abdicate. As a result, they were on a large world tour and their twenty-three year old son was running their country for them.

And he had decided to throw a party to celebrate his one year anniversary, and anyone who was remotely famous was invited. There was other royalty, politicians, celebrity chefs, singers, actors, and a bunch of other famous people that I couldn't name. Which made it difficult since the head servant had put me in charge of greeting people at the door for the first hour of the party.

I had hoped that once I'd finished welcoming people after about two hours I'd be allowed to leave, but apparently not. As I hurried down the stairs to leave the hall I was called back by the head servant called BadBoyHalo. "Where are you going George?" He questioned, "you still have to serve drinks to the guests."
"Oh right," I sighed, attempting to hide my disappointment. "I'll go get a tray to serve now."

Bad gave me a firm nod as I hurried off to the door which led to the kitchen. My mother was a chef, and so she was in here spending the entire evening making treats for the guests. I watched her quietly as she organised a bunch of fancy crackers, each with a scoop of meat and cream that I couldn't recognise.

"Oh hello Georgie," she smiled lovingly when she saw me. "How is helping out with the party going?"
"It's going fine." I responded. "Am I able to take that food out to serve to guests?"
My mother took a step back from the plate and nodded. "Yes, these are Cracker Canapés if anybody asks."

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