The Script

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George POV.

I took fast breaths after I finished my solo, staying completely still for a few moments for the lights to go out indicating I could go offstage. However before they went out I heard the coarse voice of the director calling through the silence.

"Okay. Okay. Good job all of you, George, that solo was great." He quickly praised. "Before we get to the next scene you can all take five for a drink or whatever." I lowered my gaze from the blinding spotlight to see the outline of the director in the audience, his arms crossed over his chest and a cigarette between his lips.

I just nodded and began walking off Stage Left, being followed by the rest of the cast who were onstage. It was getting pretty hectic since opening night was pushed forward a couple of weeks and so we were behind, and the cast and crew had all been worked down to the bone.

We had rehearsed every single scene, song, and dance at least a million times except for one. The kiss scene. I was supposed to kiss the other lead, and I knew at some point soon we'd have to do it. I had barely even talked to him. Plus his character was a total asshole, yet somehow my character, the son of the mayor, a twenty year old named Eliot, fell head over heels in love.

My friend Bad walked over to me and handed me a bottle of water. He was one of the people in charge of sound, and the two of us had been friends since the first show I did. "How was I?" I questioned after drinking half of the bottle at once.

"You did great, this'll probably be your best show yet." Bad chirped excitedly and I hummed in reply.

I gave a hum of thanks to Bad as I headed over to where I usually went over my lines. But before I got a chance to even sit down the director called for me. "George! Dream! The two of you are needed onstage now!" He called out, and the entire cast turned their gaze to look at me for a moment before turning back to whatever they were doing.

I let out a huff of annoyance before standing up and walking back onstage. In the few minutes I'd been off, the set had been transformed from a park into a home, one which my character Eliot lived in. Dream, the other lead who played a character called James, was already standing there, leaning against a table near the centre of the stage.

"Good, you're both here." The director, Schlatt exclaimed excitedly. "I was thinking that since we haven't done it yet you two could do the kiss scene." He said, rubbing his hands together as he did. "Are you two both okay with that?" He went on to ask.

Dream simply gave a shrug of his shoulders and looked over to me. "I'm fine if he is." Was all that the blond said, and I just nodded.

"Sure. I don't have anything else to do," I said.

Schlatt smiled smugly, "good boys, very good." He said excitedly, standing up as he did.

"I want to go from after George's solo in this scene, you both know the one. So both of you get in your positions."

We nodded and I walked over to stand beside the counter in the prop kitchen, with my back pressing against it. Dream walked offstage to wait for his cue to come on.

"Wilbur will prompt if either of you forget your lines," the director reminded us both before telling me to start whenever I was ready. I took a shaky breath as I pushed myself away from the counter and over towards the table, slumping down at one of the wooden chairs.

"I have made my decision." I stated in a firm and clear voice, which was Dream's cue.

There was a knock coming from behind me, meaning to represent Dream's character banging on the door. I warily looked over my shoulder and made eye contact with him for a moment. "You can come in." I called out, and the blond stepped onstage a moment later.

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