Even a Mafia Bosses Prisoner Needs To Unwind

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Lots of people wanted this. Just going on from the last one (Even Mafia Bosses Need To Unwind)

And not proof read cause I'm lazy and it's too many words
George POV.

The very next day there were reports on the news about a missing police officer. My name wasn't revealed, nor was anything else. All that was revealed was the fact I was missing. Seeing the news, although it was bland, made me cry. I mourned the life that I'd been stolen from, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever go back.

For months I was kept at Dream's manor, locked away in his room like a pet. He didn't allow any staff in here nor did he allow me out. The door was always locked and he possessed the only key and there was no way for me to climb down from the window balcony in order to escape.

He provided me with meals multiple times a day, allowed me to sleep in the bed, and let me do whatever I wanted from the confines of my room whether it be watching a movie or playing video games. I had tried to contact the police from the computer he allowed me to use but I was unable to.

Every night he'd allow me to walk through the bushes, however I'd have my hands cuffed behind my back so I couldn't escape. Sometimes I would even get so bored that I would clean his room for him since he didn't allow staff in.

As I was watching the news one evening he walked in. I was crying. "The search for the missing undercover police officer has been called off after four months of unsuccessful searching. Police Sargent Awesamdude made this announcement earlier this afternoon."

I sobbed. Awesamdude and the other police officers were my only hope of going home. Now it felt more like I was going to stay here forever and eventually wither away in misery. Plus, it was my birthday, November 1st. What a miserable way to celebrate.

"Why are you crying?" I hadn't even realised that Dream had entered the room but I stiffened as I noticed his presence, trying to cover up my sadness.
"I'm not crying." I responded, crossing my arms but refusing to look over at him.
"Yes you were." He walked over, kneeling in front of me on the couch.

I tried to look away but he held me still with one hand, keeping eye contact. "Why are you crying?" He repeated, his voice even softer this time.
"I don't know." I responded, sarcasmn lacing my words. "Maybe it's because I am being held against my will by a mafia boss who ruined my life."

His gaze grew firm at my words and he stepped back. "I ruined you life?" He asked, causing me to glance away. I mean surely he couldn't be that ignorant to the fact that he has made my life much worse. "Did I ruin your life George?" He asked. "Did I make your life hard by keeping you here?"

"Yes," I muttered, looking back over at him. "If it weren't for you I'd have a good life. If it weren't for you then I would be happy." Dream seemed annoyed at what I had said and stood up before taking a step back, thinking over what I said.

"You really think your life is so much worse George?" Dream asked, to which I nodded. "Is it worse than all of those people who can barely afford food? Worse than people who are disabled and can't use their legs of their arms? Worse than all the kids who grow up in fear of their family because they are abused?"

"Is your life worse than theirs?" I didn't say anything, my hands balling into fists as I glared downwards. Truth be told my life probably wasn't worse than all of theirs, but I wasn't going to say that out loud to him. "From where I'm sitting George, you seem to have it much better than most of them."

"You hate me." I told him. "You keep me here and enjoy seeing me upset."
"Do I hate you?" He asked."I give you whatever food you ask for, I let you watch movies and read books. Whenever you complain about wanting something I have it for you the same day. That doesn't seen like something I'd do if I hated you."

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