The Bosses Puppy

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Sorry it's been so long, but I guarantee you've not read anything like this.

Just some disclaimers:
Getting called 'puppy'
Slight choking kink.
3rd Person POV

Grey buildings flashed past as they drove down the slumbering streets of the suburban jungle, and after a few moments the man in the back seat sighed. "Is everything alright boss?" Sapnap asked from the front, glancing back.
"No." The man replied. "I'm bored. There's nothing to do."

"We could go to a club?" He offered.
"Not interested."
"Watch a movie?"
"Get take out?" Sapnap had fully turned his attention away from the road now.
"No. I want to do something new, something fun… Watch the road."

The car had drifted slightly closer to the edge and Sapnap quickly rested, pulling it away from the curb. There had been truly no risk of anyone getting hurt. Yet from somewhere behind them there was a yell. "Fuck you asshole!"
Suddenly the boss smiled. "Sapnap, stop the car."

Dream POV.

The day had sucked; work had been shit, my phone had died, my car had been getting repaired for a week, I got stood up on a date, and now as I was walking home it looked as though it would rain. It was as if the world was taunting me. I sighed, looking like an eyesore amongst the city as I walked in a suit and tie.

With nothing else to do I shoved my hands deep into my pockets and grumbled about the world. Suddenly a car sped past, way too close to me. My eyes narrowed into a glare. Usually I wouldn't but after today I felt I was entitled to take it out on someone. "Fuck you asshole! Watch the fucking road!"

Shit, bad call.

The car stopped before reversing towards me. I took a few cautious steps backwards, feeling worried that I was going to get myself beaten up. The car returned to me before I had the chance to run off and a man stepped out of the driver's seat. He didn’t say anything as he approached and I stepped backwards.

This suit wasn't the easiest thing to run in either, leaving me with only the option of running back. "I'm sorry, I was just mad." I attempted, taking a half step back as he walked forward, looking amused.

“Shit… dude I’m sorry.” I immediately began apologising as the man grabbed me. “No!” I tried to resist. “I’m so sorry!” He began pulling me to the car effortlessly, not saying anything. Without a word I was thrown into the back seat.

A man was sitting in the back seat, boredly running his fingers through his brown fluffy hair. As I was thrown down on the narrow floor he grinned at me without a word. “Hey there.” He smirked. “I couldn’t help but overhear what you had said about me."
“Wha- what are you talking about.” Fear began overriding me and I attempted to shuffle back.

The sound of the engine running and the feeling of the vehicle shaking beneath me caused a deeper fear to boil up. “Don’t tell me you already forgot the insults you just sent to me.”
“I’m sorry.” I quickly muttered, lowering my head down. “I’ve just had a hard day, that’s all. I didn't mean anything with it.”

I sensed his hand approaching, it moved to my tie and lifted it before playing with it, neglecting the idea of personal space. “But you still said it.” He pouted. “You said something which sounded pretty serious and I want to help you keep your words.” He stroked the side of my face. “What is your name, Puppy?”

Glaring up at him I remained silent, not wanting to give this random weirdo who just kidnapped me any information. “Oh well…” he sighed, pulling out his phone. “Not to worry though Puppy. I’ll be able to find out anything about you that I want.” He took a photo of me before lowering his head and beginning to type something.

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