Crown (Part 2)

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George POV.

When I woke up it was quiet. I had no clue what time it was but I immediately felt the sun streaming in and hitting my eyes. I groaned as I sat up and realised where I was. I was in the King's bed, he wasn't here. Shit.
Memories of last night began reappearing in my mind, causing me to blush immodestly.

Remembering the fact that I also needed to work caused me to climb out of the bed, stumbling lightly as I started walking over to the door. I paused to take a deep breath to regain composure before exiting into the hallway. The castle was near quiet at this time in the morning, so I didn't need to worry about being seen.

When I reached my room in the staff quarters I slammed the door and let out a relieved sigh at the fact I wasn't caught. Then I knew I'd have to get changed into my work clothes and go about my daily duty. I started by taking off the warm clothes that Dream… I mean King Dream had dressed me in.

They were so warm. I hated the idea that I would have to take them back to the King, but I needed to. Tonight after work I'd sneak into the laundry and wash them and deliver them neatly folded to his room tomorrow morning. Once I'd pulled them off I changed into some servant clothes which were a lot less comfortable but were much neater.

When I'd changed I ran through my first job for the morning, and it was cleaning the King's office. He only ever used it when signing important treaties, every other time he'd be in the throne room or the sitting room instead. Still, I needed to clean it just in case something unimportant happened in here, like he had to do a sudoku.

The room was empty, and so I grabbed the cleaning supplies I'd brought with me and started by dusting. There wasn't any dust in here though, seeing as I had to clean it ever single day. And because they didn't want me to do anything to damage the King's office, I wasn't allowed to use anything high powered like a vacuum or window cleaner.

My back and all of my bones were aching after last night. It took a lot longer than it usually did as I just wanted to collapse, which I sort-of got to do. I knelt on the floor with a bucket of clean water to wash the floors and the carpets. As it happened I muttered to myself, it was a small list of things I needed to do.

Just when I was close to cleaning the desk I heard the door opening and closing, followed by footsteps approaching me. My gaze remained lowered on the ground until I felt the person's hand resting on my shoulder. "Sweetheart, what are you doing out of bed?" The King's familiar voice asked.

"I had work to do, your highness." I told him, going back to scrubbing the floor. "The office needs to be cleaned and I'm the one who is assigned to do it."
"What did I say about calling me your highness?" He asked, and I barely glanced up and saw his brows furrowing.

"Sorry Dream." I muttered, letting out a shaky breath.
"You might have been assigned to do clean my room by Bad, but your King certainly outranks his authority. And your King said that you should be resting, surely you are exhausted."
"I… might be." I allowed myself to admit, finally putting down the cleaning rag.

He offered me his hand and I took it, standing up and stumbling. As I fell into his arms he chuckled before pressing a kiss onto my forehead. "Let's get you back to my room," he told me, wrapping his arms around me before lifting me up. I gasped at the action and gripped onto his shirt.

The blond walked out of the room, leaving all of my cleaning supplies and the moment he stepped into the hallway I buried my face into his chest. "God I hope nobody sees me like this." I muttered.
"Well I hope somebody does see us. You look so small and cute in my arms."

Even though the blond was joking about people seeing us he did hurry to get me back to his bedroom. I didn't dare to look out of fear that I'd see Bad or one of the other servants, or Dream's personal guards, or worst of all my parents. Eventually I was lowered down onto a soft but messy bedspread. I should have made this earlier.

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