The Love and Lust Hotel (Part 1)

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First new chapter of the re-upload. Hopefully the book isn't taken down again and sorry about the wait. I am also crying that all the funny comments are gone 😭

Similar to The Script this is going to be two parts, with the first being a build-up to sex. This one though, Dream is going to be inexperienced and Gogy will be experienced.
Dream POV

Carrying the bags in my hand made me feel proud of myself. After my last few streams I had earned a lot of money and was planning on buying my girlfriend some gifts, ones which I knew that she'd love. I hadn't streamed for a while and we'd just been relying on her part time job to pay the bills, but now I had more than enough for a while and wanted to spoil her.

I kept trying to think of a way to give these to her as I drove down the street to our home, with the bag sitting on the passenger seat to my right. Maybe I'd cook her a nice dinner and it would be ready for her then. But my planning was cut short when I pulled up our driveway and saw her car already there, along with another one that I didn't recognise.

It didn't belong to any of her friends that I knew of. And it didn't belong to her parents or her brother, and there was plenty of space to park in front of the neighbour's houses if the car belonged to any of their guests so that couldn't be the case either. But I figured it was nothing and decided to ignore it.

Regardless, I pulled into my normal spot and stepped out of the car, leaving the bag on the passenger seat since I knew that she wouldn't be able to find the gifts prematurely there, and heading inside the house. As I entered the hallway though I heard strange noises, ones that made me worried.

Possibly against my better judgement I followed the sounds until I was standing in front of the door of my bedroom and after listening for a moment I knew what was happening. My eyes watered as I pushed the door open and saw my girlfriend on our bed, having sex with another man.

I didn't say anything, but they both looked over at me, with the unknown man seeming confused as to who I was and my girlfriend seeming shocked that I arrived home earlier than I planned. After a moment though, her expression grew into a smirk. "Hello Dream." She smirked. "You are home early."

Her dark green eyes were taunting me, seeming as though she was challenging me to lash out in some way for her entertainment. "Well?" She questioned once I remained silent, flexing her body as she still sat naked with the other man in her. I couldn't even look at her from the heartbreak. "You just going to stand there all day, pussy?"

No response, again. This time the man spoke up, something quiet along the lines of 'I don't understand. I didn't know you had a boyfriend.' "I don't." She spoke harshly, her voice sounding like acid, causing more tears to run down my cheek. "He was just a wallet. When he actually does his fucking job. Doesn't even give me the good sex or anything."

Without saying anything I got the hint, stepping out of the room to leave her to whatever the fuck she was doing with that guy. My keys and wallet and phone were still in my pocket so I returned to my car and left, not wanting to be hanging around this area. As I reversed out of the driveway I could see her peering out of the window.

I didn't have anywhere I could go, just kept driving as I hoped to see a place to stop for the night. All of my friends and family lived in different cities that would take hours to drive to, and I didn't have the energy for that right now and so I began looking for a hotel to stay at, at least for the night.

The area I lived in wasn't one that had many hotels, but eventually I spotted one in the window with a half-full parking lot. A glowing sign above the entrance called it the 'L and L Hotel', whatever that meant. I assumed that the L and L were probably the names of the owners, maybe 'Lucy and Liam' or 'Leanne and Louis' or something, and I pulled into the parking lot.

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