Love And Lust Hotel (Part 4)

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Bet you weren't expecting this back.

Plus figured I'd spice this one up. You guys can guess to how that would be.

Not proof read
George POV.

I kissed down the torso laid out in front of me, watching the way it occasionally tensed up with each gentle touch I gave it. Dream also moaned softly, any little sensation was enough to give him pleasure, it was honestly adorable to see and hear. I found myself smiling against his soft skin.

"George." He whispered out my name with a cautious voice. "Would you please keep going?" I looked up at the beautiful blond and nodded. He was never one to beg during sex, instead just politely asking me, and if I said no then he wouldn't complain (not that I'd ever say no to him).

I moved over to his left hand, the last one that was left and took my time kissing down it before wrapping the soft velvet ribbons around his wrists and tying them. The beautiful bows were an amazing purple against his skin, a colour that I was able to see and enjoy.

They weren't tied tightly though, it would take him little effort to pull himself out of them if there was any need to. "Does that feel alright?" I asked him, moving back so that I was looking directly into his eyes. "It's not too tight, is it?" He shook his head, reassuring me that he was fine.

For a few moments I kissed over his hand, wrist, and arm as he got used to the feeling of being restricted. "Remember, just tell me at any time if you want me to untie you and I will," I said between kisses. He muttered an 'okay', which I smiled at, since he remembered that I liked him to answer these verbally.

Many times when we had had sex in the past he would be quiet, even in instances when he was uncomfortable with how the scene had shifted or with something we had tried. I constantly let him know that I would never enjoy sex if he wasn't, regardless of what sort of rough treatment he'd gotten from past partners.

Then I pulled off of him and moved over to my box, beginning to look through it once again. After running into his ex earlier today he had been anxious, I could only imagine what she must have put him through and I felt pity for him. Dream had insisted doing something different and I was shocked when he said this.

"Were you wanting anything else?" I asked him. "Or do you just want to be tied up?" I didn't want him to push too far with him the first time he did this. Eventually I heard the quiet whisper asking for more and I nodded, looking for something simple and somewhat safe.

The box had all sorts; dildos, butt plugs, vibrators, and those were only the tame ones. I haven't used most of these in ages for Dream's sake, eventually though I found a blindfold. It was made of soft furs and fabrics which wouldn't hurt or irritate him, and so I pulled it out of the box.

I climbed back onto the bed, keeping my body pressed against his in any place I could reach, then I showed him the blindfold. "Would this be okay to try?" I asked him, with the blond tentatively nodding. He muttered a 'sure' and when I heard the verbal confirmation I carefully slipped it on and covered his eyes.

Because I was almost entirely on him, he was able to know exactly where I was, despite not being able to see. I took my time to kiss his soft lips and brush his face before I slowly moved away. "Okay baby." I spoke from where I stood at the end of the bed. "I want to know what you would like me to do to you."

He let out a worried sound. "I… um…" obviously feeling embarrassed to explain.
“Take your time.” I prompted, smiling softly at him even though he could see it. “You can do it, my precious baby.” He still seemed hesitant however eventually he spoke up.
“I was wanting you to… touch me?” Dream sounded unsure of himself.

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