Sacrifice (Part 2)

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George POV.

Yearly festivities were beginning again in my kingdom, making me shiver involuntarily at the thought of it. Thankfully there were no more sacrifices, after all, the rains which were sent by Dream to end countless years of drought were a sign to them that their human sacrifices satisfied him. Now, it was only going to be food, and possibly some animals gifted to him.

I had watched from afar, what had been going on in my village, almost every day since I had gotten here. It made me feel good to know that more food was coming to the poor, the group which I myself was once a part of. It made me feel good to know that there was less sickness going around, meaning less death. And it made me feel good to know my family was okay.

However the reminder of what brutal treatment had awaited me this time last year made me anxious. About a month before the festival I was taken from my family. I was forced onto a diet with minimal sleep and a lot of exercise, along with daily routines of getting myself scrubbed clean by servants to make sure I looked perfect for the god I was meant to serve.

XD knew about this. Of course he did, he was a god. When I arrived to him it had been beaten into my mind that I wasn't meant to eat much. Since I was meant to stay in good shape for my god, and because I was meant to be a measly servant. Whenever I ate too much I would be whipped, before getting healed by medics so my injuries wouldn't scar.

Well XD told me from the moment we met... after doing some other things with each other, that he wanted me to put on more weight for my health, since most of my bones had been showing clearly by that point. Recently though, I had been slipping back into the habit of minimal eating, and Dream thankfully hadn't noticed yet.

After all, the god was making preparations to watch the festivities. There were parades, contests, songs and dances, all of which were in his name and he always watched to celebrate alongside his followers. Now, Dream wanted me to celebrate alongside him, watch as the people worshipped him, and possibly the girl who was apparently the gods bride.

That also made me worried though. I had convinced myself that because the people know Dream is happy that they will move on from the 'human sacrifice'. But knowing some of the priests, and bishops, and governors, and other corrupt people, they might offer the blond someone else.

And what if he ended up liking them more than me? What if he ended up deciding that he didn't want me any more and that instead he'd rather be with whoever was next on the chopping block. I can't even imagine that happening because it felt so painful.

A pair of hands suddenly wrapped around my waist and I desperately tried to clear my mind, wanting to think about something, anything else, so he would not know why I was upset. "How are you feeling my love?" He asked, seemingly not thinking anything as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I feel good," I told him, not moving my eyes to meet his though. The god didn't seem to worry too much as his hand moved to rest on my stomach, rubbing small circles on it softly, which made me let out a small moan at the pleasure.

His lips pressed against my nape, causing shivers to run through my body. His warm breath against my neck was a welcoming feeling, and I leaned back so I was pressed closer to him, the god easily supporting my weight.

"Are you excited for the festival my goddess?" Dream questioned, moving me towards a pair of thrones that were for the two of us to watch the festivities from.

"Of course I am," I reassured him, although I was breathing through my teeth as I spoke. "A festival in your honour, I can't wait to celebrate alongside you."

"That's good." His voice sounded happy, yet almost in a daze. "I am looking forward to celebrating alongside you. The two of us shall feast together, and dance together, and sing together along with my people. I promise you will enjoy it more than anything George, it is truly wonderful to witness." The blond said as he took my hands in his and kissed them.

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