Another Way to Ride

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Cowboy AU 🤠🤠🐎🐎

Suggested by asterix_in_the_styx

couldn't be bothered to proof read
George POV.

I exhaled slowly as I walked along the trail that I usually took to get home and back. My horse was back at the mine with my family, my father had needed him to pull our cart on the odd chance that he had gotten a large chunk of gold (also a very unlikely chance). I had been tasked with getting the train from our home to the town to buy some supplies with the gold we did have.

The heat was sweltering, despite the fact that I had been living here for five years with my parents, I had never gotten used to it. My parents and I had moved here to the sweltering United States from England after hearing about gold being found in the mines. I didn’t think it was worth it, leaving home to live and work in a mine which was barren of gold ore.

Sweat was causing my rough clothing to stick to my back, my legs ached after walking for for hours, and my arms were sore from carrying a wooden crate. It was filled to the brim with fabrics, medicine, cans of food, and a replacement pickaxe since the one my family owned was broken.

If I continued at the same pace though, even with the draining weight, I should be back to the mine by sunset. All I had to think about was putting one foot in front of the other and the nice cold water I’d guzzle upon my return.

From behind me I heard the thundering of hooves, causing me to glance over my shoulder to make sure I wasn’t in the way of a carriage of something else that was hard to swerve around me with. There were two people riding on horses, both with hats pulled low to keep the sun out of their eyes and bandannas over their faces.

However the two of them didn’t seem interested in avoiding me, instead their horses, one black and one brown, were brought right up to me and circled around, cutting off my path. I lifted my gaze to look into the eyes of one of the two riders. “Can I help you?” I asked, although I was addressing the two of them.

“You can give us your crate.” He told me, a thick Texas accent present as he spoke. “We’ve been travelling for a while and it would be mighty kind of you for something to eat.”
I quickly shook my head. “I’m sorry but I can’t. This is enough food for the next two weeks, if I don’t keep all of it then my family could starve.”

“That wasn’t an option.” The other responded, his accent was more unclear. “You give us the entire crate, we’ll take the food we need and it seems like there is a nice Pickaxe in there which we could make use of. If you don’t then we’ll give you something in return.” As he said that he pulled his coat back, revealing a gun in his holster as his grey eyes sliced through me.

“I really need this food.” I tried to reason with them, however my begs fell silent as the other horse rider pulled his gun out and shot a blank into the air. I jumped with a gasp. “Fine! Take it!” I said, offering out the crate while I shook in fear. The grey eyed brunette rode closer to me and lifted the crate away, setting it on his lap.

“Thank you.” The ravenette said, cocking his head while he reholstered his gun. “Karl and I are quite thankful for you. Kindness of strangers and all that shit.” The two of them laughed among themselves and rode off, with me watching fruitfully before tears welled up in my eyes.

I didn’t know what to say as I just allowed myself to collapse on the rough dirt and sand and I sobbed. My parents were going to be so upset, so disappointed. We didn’t have much money and gold left in our savings and a large portion of it was used today by me to stock up on the stuff we needed.

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