The Script (Part 2)

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George POV.

I waited through what felt like hours of rehearsal. It was all fixing and touching up scenes that we'd already done enough times to have the show burned into memory by now. Plus it didn't help that Dream kept sending me glances with his deep, dark, lustful eyes staring into mine, leaving me flustered and confused and we'd have to redo the scene.

What made it worse was the fact that we were doing a dress rehearsal, and Dream and I shared a dressing room, so I had to watch him when he changed his shirt between scenes. It seemed he had no shame and even took longer to let me and anyone else in the room have a good look at his toned abs.

Finally though, we were excused by Schlatt for the evening. I quickly rushed to the dressing room and got changed out of my costume and into my hoodie and sweatpants that I had worn when I came here. Dream walked into the room a few minutes after me to see me hanging up the discarded costume on a rack.

He kept making eye contact with me as he changed, and took his time taking off his shirt and pulling on his white tank top. Then once he finally changed he took his time hanging his costume up beside mine.

After what felt like forever he walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "Are you ready to go over this scene at my house?" He asked lowly, his eyes glistening with lust.

I nodded and grabbed my bag with my script, drink, and some other things. Dream showed me to his car and I slid into the passenger's seat while he slid into the driver's seat.

There was an awkward silence in the car, and to stop from having to make eye contact with the blond I focused on the script which I had brought with me, reading through the kiss scene over and over and rethinking how it was going to go. I kept thinking back to earlier, remembering the mistakes that Schlatt had pointed out, along with other things that thankfully weren't pointed out.

Before I had got the scene memorised the engine turned off, and I looked up to see us parked in the driveway of a moderately sized suburban home. Dream was already grabbing his stuff out of the back seat and I rushed to do the same, not wanting to make him annoyed with me for being slow.

I hung around behind the blond as he unlocked the door and stepped inside, but I followed him into his house and sat my bag down by the door as he walked me through to the dining room. The room was quite empty, besides the table in the middle of the room, and I watched as Dream pulled most of the chairs away, saying this was a good place to practise the scene.

"Are you ready to practise?" Dream asked, "or would you like a glass of water or something to eat first?" He offered, but I shook my head.

"I'm fine to start,'' I responded, moving over to one of the seats remaining at the table and sitting down at it.

A smirk appeared on the blond's face as he walked behind me, there was no side stage here so his back was pressed against the wall. He waited for me to start and I did. "I have made my decision." I announced, leaning back on my chair slightly. Dream smiled and knocked his hand against the wall.

"You can come in." I said, before watching him step behind me from the corner of my eye. After waiting a moment I stood up and turned to look at him. "James? What are you doing here? It's so late." I said, standing up as I looked over at him.

"Eliot," he replied, not moving his eyes away from mine. "I needed to talk to you and it just couldn't wait until tomorrow."

"Well what if I don't want to talk?" I responded, looking away after giving him a small smirk. "I've been avoiding you since you got here so it is clear I don't want to talk. Plus you should know that it is rude to come to my house. My father would kill us both if he found out that you and I-"

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