Monster Under The Bed

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Monster AU, requested by SkittleLovesU and omaruinnorway
George POV.

There was a low growl in my ear, jolting me awake from my nightmare, or at least I thought it was a nightmare. When I saw the large creature looming over me it made me second guess. I screamed out at the sight of it, watching as the monster's knife-like teeth grew into a smile.

"You're awake early." It grinned, four yellow eyes narrowing as it gleamed at me. "Usually you sleep for much longer."
"W-w-who are you?" I stammered, panicked and scared as I shuffled back away from the creature. "How did you get into my house? What do you want from me?"

The creature continued to smile, stretching out four clawed arms. "I am a dream-eater." He explained. "I feast off your dreams while you sleep. And I have to say George, your nightmares are especially delicious."
"How do you know my name?" I asked him, my breathing speeding up.

"Because I've been in your dreams, and in your nightmares." The monster took a step towards me, a low chittering sound coming from his throat. "But now I've got a problem."
"What problem?" I asked him.

"You are awake. You've seen me." He explained. "I'm going to have to kill you." My eyes widened and I immediately began pleading with the thing at the end of the bed. As it heard my begging it's face darkened, the four arms grabbed at my body holding me still. "Your fear is just as delicious when you are awake."

It climbed on top of me, pinning me down with the clawed hands which dug into my body. I let out a yelp of pain as I was pushed down. With a dark grin on his face the monster moved one of his hands to position my face.

As this happened my mouth clamped shut and I looked up at the dream demon with fear in my eyes. Another hand went to clasp around my throat and I was certain he was about to strangle me. The pressure appeared and made me gasp. "Please don't!"

After a pause which felt like it took hours he pulled his hand away. " 'Please don't'?" He repeated. "Why shouldn't I? What will you do if I don't kill you? What will you give me?" He moved off of me for a moment and I took the opportunity to shuffle back.
"I have nothing to give you." I answered, looking away shamefully.

"Nothing?" He asked. "Well if it is money you wanted to give me I do not want it. I have no use for it, do you have anything I might make use of?" He began creeping towards me again, causing all the hairs on my body to stand on edge.
"All that I have is my body." I spoke softly, embarrassed and accepting my fate.

After a moment he grinned. "That will be enough." My eyes widened, not sure if I believed that it was that simple, but also cautious about what he may mean. "I have to go almost 15 hours a day without a snack. Allow me to have access to you for any of my needs and I will let you live." I nodded, it felt easy.

The moment I agreed to his deal his smirk returned and he captured my body under his. As he looked down at me I froze in fear. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "I agreed to your deal! I thought that meant I was safe!" I began to panic, thinking somehow I'd been tricked.

"You did." The monster nodded so close to me that I felt his fiery breath against my skin. "You agreed to let me use you for any of my needs. I have more needs than just eating George."
“Oh…” My gaze drifted away, feeling awkward. I didn’t know if I wanted to accept being used for… sex by some kind of monster.

After a minute of no response the monster slid back. "George." His voice was flat, surprisingly so for a creature with a full set of fangs.
"I'm-I'm sorry." I stammered. "Do whatever you want."
"No." It growled. "I'm a monster George but not that sort of monster."

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