Do You Like This Position?

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Ha! Uploaded before 4g0tmyname!!!! Cause I'm better!

Anyway, prompt from LisaIsLost5713
DNF have a home gym and George is doing yoga, so Dream decides to fuck him in that position.
Dream POV.

Sweat was running down my face as I set down the barbell and sat up. After a fifteen minute workout I was already exhausted, which was unusual for me. Perhaps it was because I had been really busy over the past few weeks, or perhaps it was because I had a distracting yet utterly beautiful view in front of me.

Both George and I shared our at home gym. We spent about an hour in here every morning after breakfast. We had everything in here; treadmills, dumbbells, barbells, a pull up bar, even a rowing machine. It was honestly impressive and a lot of our friends preferred coming here to work out instead of going to an actual gym.

While we usually rotated around what we used we both had our favourites, with George’s being a simple blue yoga mat that was placed in the centre of the room. This morning was one of the mornings he was using the mat, and he had decided to do downward dog, with his ass pointed towards me, perfectly outlined by the outfit he was wearing.

I blushed while admiring him… well I mean his form. His straight legs and straight back, his slow and calm breathing, and his beautiful ass. Perhaps it was just the fact that I hadn’t had sex with him for a few weeks but it seemed as though he was teasing me all morning, and this was his most recent attempt to… I’m not sure what he was planning.

“George,” I called, my voice low as I continued to admire him. He just hummed in response to show he was listening, an airpod was in one ear and he was listening to music or a podcast or something on it, but it was clear that he was acknowledging what I said. “Are you doing this to tease me?” I asked him.

“Doing what?” He replied, and I noticed his head shifting slightly so that he could make eye contact with me.
I rolled my eyes. “Just so you know, I just lifted six hundred and fifty kg weights.” I decided to brag, hoping it would make him admit he was teasing me because he was so impressed with my strength.

“Six hundred and fifty kgs?” George responded, clearly raising a brow at me. “Do you even have six hundred and fifty kgs worth of weights?”
“Come over here and find out.” It wasn’t my best attempt to get him to come have sex but I was desperate, even if it was only 10am.

“No thanks.” There was a hint of playful, loving bitterness. “I’m in the middle of my workout. I don’t want to move, I need to keep in this position.”
“Why?” I asked, although I suspected that he has told me this before.
“Helps blood flow through my body.” He replied. “And it’s good for my calves.”

“Well,” I smirked, taking this as an opportunity to move closer to my boyfriend. “I know something else you can do which will help blood flow and is good for your calves.”
“Dream…” George trailed off, rolling his eyes. “I told you that I don’t want to move from this position. And it’s ten in the morning. I don’t want to deal with your horniness this early.”

“But you haven’t dealt with my horniness in weeks.” I whined playfully, walking behind him and gently holding his hips, pulling them flush against mine from his downwards position. “God, these clothes really outline your figure.” I commented, massaging his hips. He had willingly moved back slightly into this position and it didn’t seem to strain him much.

A small hum fell from his lips, but he tried to push the sound down so it seemed that he wasn’t enjoying this. “Plus, I never realised how flexible you were, and how easy it is to move you. You always bitch when I make you move during sex.”
“You always bitch when I don’t use my skills for sex, why would flexibility be any different?”

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