The Love and Lust Hotel (part 3) - The wrap up

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Dream POV.

"Good morning my darling." George grinned as he walked into the kitchen, seeing me standing over the stove as I cooked up some bacon in the frying pan. I muttered a 'good morning' to him and spun around momentarily before the shorter wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled himself up to kiss me on the lips.

"George," I spoke in a hushed voice as a blush grew on my face. "Careful, I don't want to burn the bacon." I turned back to look at the frying pan but it was fine.
"Sorry Dream." My boyfriend apologised. "You just look so cute when you blush. I couldn't help myself."

I ignored what he was saying as I finished with the bacon, with him hugging me from behind the entire time. "What's for breakfast?" He asked me, nuzzling against my back as he did. "It smells so amazing."
"Bacon and eggs on toast." I responded. "It is almost ready if you wanna sit down."

George shook his head. "I am happy waiting here with my perfect boyfriend while he makes breakfast." I rolled my eyes as he continued to hug me. Over the past few months of our relationship he had grown very touchy, loving to be in close contact whenever he could. I didn't mind though, it was nicer than my past relationships at least.

With George working a well paying job four days a week I quickly adopted the role of 'house-husband'. Whenever George was working I'd cook and clean and fix anything broken in between filming on YouTube. He did however insist on doing half of the work when he was home, which I had come to accept.

And I had been fine with him keeping his job at the Hotel. He had insisted that he now worked fixed hours, instead of what he had been doing of working as long as he needed and then taking as much time off as he wanted. Now he worked ten hours four days a week before returning home to me.

He did have sex with people at work, but he told me that he had made some rules up. He didn't let them leave marks on him. They must always wear protection (which had been a rule before our relationship). He also stopped staying with them if they wanted to sleep past when he finished.

Most of his regulars were fine with that, those who weren't either switched who they visited or were told they were no longer welcome. Even with this change George kept getting paid a lot, and tipped even more, which he always tried to spoil me with.

"I wanted to take you out today." George muttered in my ear. "For lunch at the mall. I want to spoil you. Plus we are almost out of lube. I need to get some more." I blushed like I always did when he talked about something even remotely sexual. When George saw my face turning red he kissed me. "You can sit outside. I was wanting to browse as well."

I nodded at the decision before plating up our food. We sat down at the table looking out over the city view. George earns enough on a daily basis to let us live in a luxury penthouse downtown. Every morning we'd sit for breakfast in front of the large floor to ceiling view and admire the waking city together.

After eating I told the brunette to get ready to go. George tried to coyly tempt me into showing with him this morning (possibly attempting to get some vanilla morning sex), but I turned him down since I had showered before making breakfast. Instead I put away the dishes from last night before washing the dishes from breakfast.

I almost regretted turning down George's offer when he emerged from the bedroom. He was wearing a light blue crop top and a red skirt which both outlined his amazing figure. His hair was still damp, not that he seemed to mind. A pair of white sneakers were on his feet and he did a 360, giving me a perfect view of every angle of his body.

"How do I look?" He asked innocently, smiling at me and clearly knowing how much he was winding me up. When I didn't move he gave a loving sigh, proud of his affect on me before walking over to kiss me and brake me out of my trance. "Come on darling, we need to be going." He told me and all I could do was nod.

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