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A rude introduction <----««

"Alright Yuu I am sorry but you will have to leave.. Think of your home.. Oh great mirror bring this one home!" Crowley asked the mirror. Yuu didn't listen to what Crowley said and thought about Y/n instead. "Um Dark mir-" "That place does not exist." "WHAT?! Yuu where exactly do you live?" Crowley asked quickly. "Tokyo Japan." Yuu stated with an annoyed look.

"Alright... Y/n I would like you to go here this will be your new home for a while... I will take Yuu to the library to find his home." Crowley gave Y/n a piece of paper and left with Yuu behind him. Y/n followed the directions on the piece of paper and ended up at a beaten up haunted house. She went inside to see the inside looked worse. So she began to work.

She patched up some holes moved the furniture got rid of anything broken. Met some ghosts and finished up with cleaning up a bedroom.

She went back down stairs to see Yuu, Grim and Crowley talking. "Ah just in time Miss Y/n! I was just explaining to these two what their jobs will be. Oh and I have your uniform ready for you with food!" Crowley processed to give Y/n a few boxes and leaves.

"So Mistress? Um what would you like us to do?" Yuu asked the girl. "First. Stop with that fucking cringy pet names. And secondly I want you two to go fix up a room for yourselves." Y/n pointed toward the stairs. Grim started to growl. "I ain't doing nothing! I am the gre-" Grim yelled but was interrupted with a harsh glare from Y/n. Grim began to sulk and go upstairs. "Yes mistress!" Yuu said as ran upstairs.

Y/n shook her head and went toward the kitchen with the boxes she was given.

Y/n opened up to see her uniform for school, her dorm uniform, and some pajamas... There was also a note....

Hello Miss Lin

It is wonderful to have some knew to make clothes for. I hope you enjoy the gifts. It will be a pleasure to see you in person.

Sincerely, Mr. Crewel

She put the letter back in the box before closing it. She opened the other box to see a nice meal all set for all of them. She walked upstairs to see Yuu asleep in her on her bed. Grim was right beside him knocked out two.

Y/n went up next to the two and pushed them off her bed. "Oi wake up. We have work to do. Food is also ready get down stairs." Y/n growled at the two as she left her room. "O-okay! Mistress.." Yuu sighed and scowled at Grim. "Damnit human! This is all your fault, if you didn't fall asleep on her bed we wouldn't be in this mess!" Grim yelled at Yuu.

Yuu processeds to ignore Grim and go downstairs. He eventually saw Y/n patching up more wholes and sweeping. "Mistress! Would you like any help?" Yuu asked Y/n who just finished. "No I have everything mostly done just eat right now. Also do you guys have your room ready?" Y/n asked and Yuu just nodded.

"Alright go eat what Headmaster has brought us. I will be there in a second." Y/n told Yuu as Grim came down stairs. Y/n told Grim to go eat and she made sure to lock her door and closed all of the blinds.

She walked downstairs to see Yuu patiently waiting while Grim was ready to eat hers. "Mind your manors Grim. I'll take my plate." Y/n told the fur ball as she took her plate and began to consume her food.

Night soon fell and everyone was fast asleep. Yuu had a weird dream but Y/n's was weirder.

In Y/n's Dream World

"She's awake!" Someone with southern accent yelled out.
"Is this the girl you were talking about Sora?" Someone with a scratchy voice yelled out. Y/n opened up her eyes to see what seemed to be a duck and a dog. "Ugh where am I?" Y/n asked herself. As she got up from the ground. Once she got back up she was brought back down. "Star! It is so good to see you again!" A boy cried out as he hugged the girl. ".... Please let me go sir." Y/n asked politely as she was soon met with the same face she met at Twilight Town. "May I ask who you are?" Y/n asked the boy.
"Oh ya! Im Sora! This is Goofy and that's Donald." Sora smiled as he pointed at the duck and the dog. "Hmm... Where exactly am i?" Y/n asked again as she began to get agitated. "Oh! I think this is the dream realm! Are you thinking of leaving!? Please don't leave!" Sora pleaded Y/n. Goofy just laughed at he action as Donald rolled his eyes.
"I have to leave if this is just a dream realm. I have dutys to attend to... Goodbye Sora, Donald, and Goofy..." Y/n said her goodbye to them but Sora just kept on pleading for her to stay.
Once she left Sora had a deadpan expression. "Damnit I almost had her to myself..." Sora shoved his fist into the ground. "Sora I think it's time for us to wake up." Goofy told Sora with a sadden look. "Fine.." Sora complied.

End of Dream World....

Y/n had finally woken up. She took a shower and put on her on her uniform. She put on a white blouse, then a gray and gold vest. She puts on the skirt she was given that is black with a gold trim. She finally puts on some black socks with a gold trim, her blazer and then her shoes.

She had immediately has left after grabbing her bag. She counties to walk but stops to notice the main seven. ".... Do they worship the villains?... I swear..." Y/n continued to walk until she bumped into a boy with lilac hair. "I am so sorry!" The boy apologized. "It is fine.." Y/n walked past him and counties to go to her class room. "Wait! Let me help you to your class!" The boy said as he walked with the girl.

"It is fine I can walk by myself." "No! I mean please let me help you.." The boy asked and Y/n just played along and nodded.

Yandere Secrets

-The lilac haired has gained his yandere persona when Y/n tried to leave him

-Y/n wasn't to pleased to see Sora

-Sora took something off Y/n to remember her

-Y/n is still pissed off a Yuu for giving her a pet name so she left early

Word count 1151

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