The Tyrant Ep.1

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Yuu's first day at school.

Y/n was not so happy not getting enough sleep because of Yuu, Grim, and their new friend. Y/n soon went down stairs to see the two boys from her class. "Deuce, and Ace-kun... What are you two doing here..." Y/n shot the two a glare. "Oh Mistress! I am finally able to go to school with you now! Isn't this exciting!" Yuu smiled at the girl as he pulled her into a hug.

"Yuu what do you mean by that and why is the brain cell duo here? Y/n asked Yuu as he finally let go of her. "Oh! Me and Grim share an enrolment, because I was able to train Grim.... But Deuce and Ace are here because we need to go to Heartslabyul!" Yuu told Y/n as he gave her another smile.

"Let's get going or we'll be late." Deuce said as grabbed onto Y/n's hand. They all walked out of Ramshackle and had gone to the mirror room. Soon enough they had entered Heartslabyul which had red and black everywhere... "Wow this dorm is so much better than our dorm!" Grim laughed but was smacked on his head by Y/n.. "Be quite... Ours would be just as nice as this if you weren't dicking around." "Well... Welcome to Heartslabyul! We should probably go find the dorm head." Deuce suggested. After his suggestions Y/n went missing.. "Mistress did you hear what Deuce said?.... Mistress? Mistress!?" Yuu said frantically.

"What's so bad? She couldn't have gotten that far." Ace hood Yuu who seemed to have steam bursting from his ears. "Well if she didn't go so far then where the fuck is she!?" Yuu yelled as he grabbed onto Ace's new necklace. "You better fucking find Mistress or I will be worse than your fucking dorm head!..." Yuu growls at Ace as he put him down.

"Oi brain cell trio! Get over here." Y/n's voice demanded. "Mistress! Oh I missed you so much!" Yuu finally found the girl in the rose maze. He gave Y/n a hug which she declined the whole time. The others three boy's finally made it. "oh well if it isn't the students that broke that billion thummark chandelier. Oh and your the one who ate the dormheads tart!" A boy with ginger hair revealed himself.

"This is Cater-Senpai. He was asking me to help him paint the roses, then I heard Yuu start freaking the fuck out, so I called you all out. But since you took so long I have most of them painted." Y/n sighed and Cater gave her a sighed hug to relive stress..... "Diamond-chan helped a lot! It's sad I don't get to spend time alone with her for now..." Cater began to frown as he soon let go of Y/n.

"So sad that I don't care about your sob story....Me and Mistress have class to attend you three can help him." Yuu huffed as he dragged Y/n out of the rose maze.

"Yuu was that necessary to storm out of there and leave Grim. Deuce and Ace there?" Y/n asked the boy as he continued to walk out of Heartslabyul. "They'll be fine Mistress, we need to get to class or we'll be late." Yuu told the girl as he dragged her into the school. Yuu bumped into many people only passing them, not giving two shits about anyone but Y/N... "Yuu slow your ass down. We will be there on time you fucking idiot." Y/n spat at the boy, he had obeyed like a sad little puppy.

Science Class

The two made it to class and finally sat down. The door was opened up by Ace who was fallowed by Grim and Deuce.

"Alright...I see that you all are my homeroom for the rest of the year. I am professor Crewel. You can also call me Master Crewel. We shall begin with the basics, and by that I mean you will be memorizing the names and the characteristics of one hundred herbs and poison's into your tiny little brains." Crewel finished off his lecture and everyone began to look in the book.

"umm.... Does anyone know what mycelia is?" Deuce questions and look at Y/n. Y/n noticed Deuce looking at her for help. "...A network of fungal threads or hyphae." Y/n answered with a sigh as she continues to study. "Good job pup." Crewel came up to their table and gave Y/n a head pat. "Bleh...I was never good at memorizing anything." Ace sighed and leaned on Y/n's shoulder. "Get off Ace-kun." Y/n glared at the boy as she went back to studying. "All I can do is compare the good ones from the bad ones..." Grim slowly declared. "That is an idiot move Grim. If you want to be a "great wizard" do your work you dumbass." Y/n hissed at Grim which made his ears droop.

History Class(*o*)......

"Hello I am your History of Magic teacher. Mozus Trein. This is my familiar, Lucius. I grade work based on classroom behavior as well as quality work." Professor Trein explains as Lucius meows to the class. "Don't let me catch you asleep either. Now let us began class. Open up you book to page 15, this section occurs of Dwarfs Mine and the mage stones." Trein discuses as Lucius continues to meow. Grim is on Y/n's lap and yet he and Ace are about to pass out, Yuu look's tired but is just bored and begins to stare at Y/n. Y/n and Deuce are taking notes.

Lucius's meow finally dies down as he get off the desk. He walks up to where Y/n sits, kicks Grim out of his way and falls asleep on Y/n's lap.

"I was sit-" Grim was slightly slapped by Y/n mid sentence and began to put for the rest of class. Professor Trein just nodded at the situation and continued to teach his class.

Gym Class

Everyone was ready for class, Yuu wore a similar gym outfit like Ace but instead up a red trim it was grey. Y/n wore something like Yuu but wore shorts with black yoga pant underneath. "I am Coach Vargas, and physical educating your little feeble bodies is my responsibility." Vargas continues his speech as everyone begins to stretch their muscles.

"Finally something I am good at!" Deuce smiled as Ace and Grim were laying on the ground. "Alright! I want everyone to do one hundred pushups and do twenty laps! Go!" Coach Vargas demand. Everyone was dreading and began their pushups. Y/n soon went missing after a few minutes. "Mistress you don't.... Mistress? Mistress!?" Yuu began to freak out again but then saw Y/n talking to Vargas.

"Already done! That is impressive! You can relax now!" Vargas cheered as he gave the girl a big smile.

Everyone heard Vargas and looked at Y/n amazed and jealous.

Yandere Secrets

-Yuu was going to kill Ace because he lost "his" Mistress

-Deuce and Ace are starting to catch feelings and are becoming jealous of Yuu

-The boy's were not happy to see Crewel Pat Y/n's head

Word Count 1222

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