The sea witch Ep. 1

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⚛》》》》》Taking a Test《《《《《⚛

Y/n was fast asleep, so was Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Yuu. But there was still one person up. That was Grim he was studying? Yes it surprises us all.

Since Yuu and Grim shared the same room together, Yuu was being bugged the most. "Ugh... Grimm..? What are you doing so late?.." Yuu asked with a groggy voice as he let out a big yawn. "Huh! Don't bother me! I might forget everything!" Grim yelled at the boy. Yuu got a bit pissed off by the cats answer.

Yuu rolled his eyes and went back to sleep.

As morning rose, everyone else did to. Y/n weakly got out of her bed and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, and get dressed. After she was done she went down stairs to make herself something to eat.

After making herself a small breakfast she left to the school leaving everyone else behind.

Meanwhile Sora, Yuu, Goofy, and Donald were getting dressed for class, while Grim was still asleep. "Oh hey Donald! Could you do me a favor and go wake up Grim?" Yuu asked the duck. Donald gave him a stink eye but agreed none the less. As Donald walked to the room all he could hear was mumbling. "Ha? What's going on in here?" Donald asked himself as he opened the door to see Grim mumbling to himself about equations... Weird..

"Hey! We got to get going or we'll be late because of you Grim!" Donald yelled at the cat.

Grim looked at him with his eyes wide opened. "Huh! Oh shoot! I got to get going! Move out the way!" Grim yelled as he blasted through the door. Donald glared at what remains of the cat, and just follows the cat downstairs.

While the boy's were getting ready, Y/n was already sitting down in her class laying her head down.

Epel and Jack soon came in to class. As they two sat down in their spots they saw Y/n laying her head down. Epel gave a small smile, because even though he couldn't see her face he still thought she looked really cute.

As Jack looked at her with big eyes his tail began to wag. Class started soon after everyone had arrived. Test were soon passed out and everyone began to write their answers.

A few hours later...

The teacher came and collected their papers and told everyone that they could either sit and talk very quietly or lay their heads down, which Y/n obviously did the second option. As she layed down she heard whispers about a few murders. Some about a boy's, and one about a girl. I mean isn't it normal for people to die?

(Their probably talking about.. I don't know though... Oh well not my problem.) Y/n thought as counties to sit with her head down.

Class ended soon enough letting Y/n go to her dorm. Before she went past the gate, she was met with a familiar young robot boy.

"Big sis! I'm so glad to see you again!" The flaming blue haired boy yelled. "Huh? Who are you? And why are you here at Ramshackle?" Y/n asked the boy confused.

"Oh I am Ortho. I am here to invite you to meet my brother today! I wanted to personally bring you to Ignihyde!" The boy jumped with glee. "Huh... Hm... I don't.. Think I have anything planned.? Okay.. Why not." Y/n shrugged her shoulders.

"Really! Hurray! Come and follow me big sis!" Ortho says as he leads Y/n to his dorm.


"Ortho? Hey.. Where are you?.. Ortho... Ortho! Come on its not the time to give me a heart attack! Where are you! Ortho!" An older blue haired boy yells out as he looks around his room frantically.

While the older boy is looking around his room he has yet to notice that the door is being opened.

"Big brother! I brought her!" Ortho yells with glee as he blasts open the door. The older brother looks at his younger border with concern. "Ortho! Where have you been!? I was worried!" The older blue haired boy screamed out.

"Huh? Oh! I was out grabbing big sis!" Ortho answers his older brother. The older boy turns his head to see Y/n and his tips of his hair begin to redden, same with his face. "Hello. You must be Ignihyde's dorm head, and Ortho's older brother, Idia Shroud. It is nice to meet you. I'm Y/n" Y/n greets with her natural small smile that kills anyone within a 10 feet radius.

Y/n's smile only causes the poor boy to blush even harder. (OMG! IT'S HER! She is even prettier in person! I feel like I'm in heaven!) Idia thought as he blush began to grow.

"Big brother.. Your heart is racing in a very high speed. Are you alright big brother?" Ortho asks his older brother who counties to get redder.

Soon enough Idia is able to calm down his heart and is semi finally able to look at Y/n. "It's.. Nice to meet you too.. Y/n." Idia greets back.

"Now that you two have finally meet.. Personally... Does this mean I get to have nieces and nephews?!" Ortho exclaims as his eyes are filled with stars. Idia becomes a blushing mess, while Y/n is slightly taken back with hint of blush hitting her face.

"Um... Ortho. That is technically not possible for someone who have just met to have children..." Y/n told the boy as she put a hand on his shoulder and bend down a bit.

Ortho's eyes begin to widen. "W-what! No! But I want to see big sides and big brother's children..." Ortho starts to tear up from the answer he was given. Idia begins to widen his eyes at the sight of his younger brother starting to cry, but before he could do anything, Y/n wrapped her arms around the young boy and began to soothe his cries.

Once Ortho has finished up he looked up at Y/n who gave him a gential smile. Y/n unwrapped her hands and bent back down a bit. "Ortho I am to young to have children, and I apologize for that, but I could always befriend your brother.." Y/n suggest as she turns her head to Idia.

"" Idia bturns his head a bit, not wanting to make to much eye contact with Y/n but ended up nodding.

Y/n and Ortho smiled at his answer. Soon enough Idia was teaching Y/n how to play various games and was more comfortable around her.

Before the two new it it was time for Y/n to leave. "W-wait! No big sis! Don't leave!" Ortho sobbed into Y/n's shirt. "I'm sorry Ortho.. How about I come over tomorrow? Then we could hangout a lot longer!" Y/n told the boy with a smile.

"Really! Yay! Bye Big Sis!" Ortho yelled out as Y/n left the room. "Goodbye your two." Y/n said as he waved her hand goodbye.

Idia sat back down in his gaming chair and took a look of the security system. Idia watched as Y/n walked down the hallway perfectly.

He was so excited to see you again.

"So big brother... When are you going to propose?" Ortho asked again causing Idia to jump out of his chair and hit his head on the floor.

Yandere secrets

-Y/n took a picture of her and the brothers together before she left and sent it to magicam.. And let's just say.. People aren't happy...

-Idia enjoys Y/n company more then his brothers....

-Jack is still waiting for Y/n to go have lunch with him

Word count 1309

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