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when you left,
a part of me died.

a part of me fell
to the ground and
never rose again.

a part of me fell
silent and never
uttered another

when you left,
a part of me raged.

a part of me burnt
in anguish and
its ashes left me, too.

a part of me burnt
so bright i almost
found a way out
of this.

when you left,
a part of me woke up.

a part of me opened
its eyes and saw
the world as it was.

a part of me opened
its eyes and realizes
you were never really

so i urge you, now,
wake up.

come back to grounded
reality and see the
world for what it is.

i am not here anymore.
some parts of me died off.
some parts of me burnt away.

whatever's left now is
barely more than
just a feverish

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