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i wish i could've been there
to see you die.
what an awful,
horrid thing to say, huh?
regardless, it is
most painfully true.

i wasn't there to see
your first breath,
but i was there to watch you
howl, for the first time.
i wasn't there to see
your first steps,
but i was there to see you
leap and run, faster than life itself.
i wasn't there to see
so many things,
but i was there to see
so many more.

more important than that,
you were there.
for me,
for Mom,
Dad and
for baby Alex.

you were there for
my fondest memories,
and my darkest nights.
you saw my first friends,
you saw my first nightmares.
you heard my first love song,
and you heard my suicide notes.
you saw, and you saw,
and even after you couldn't
see anymore, you saw.

you met the love of my life,
my sun and stars,
when your world was dimly lit.
you saw me ask for Apollo's blessing,
with a needle to your veins,
when your legs could only give in.

and so, despite all that,
no, because of all that,

i wish i could've been there
to see you die.

to watch over you as you
took your last breath,
to wish you safe passage
to Elysium.

but you died alone.

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