I wish you wouldn't
poison the air i so
desperately choke on
with your absence
with your presence
with your eyes and with the
rage i feel at the
thought of your hands
and the weight of your
bones and the vacuum
they create when
they scratch my memory
and leave my lungs with
scars running as deep
as the wailing
of this lake so putrid
and brimming with
the acid mist of a
thousand cursed memories
and a million million
minutes of your voice
etched into my ribcage
as if i could be nothing
but a vinyl made to
spin aimlessly while
your teeth rake my skin
and make my heart vibrate
to the tune of your
laughter and-i wish you'd leave me be.
i wish you'd be with me.
i wish for nothing more than
to be free from the way you
stare at me from every
lamplight and every growling
beast and every sun refusing
to shine on me and every
time i feel a sense of dread and
every time i feel the lightness
swirl my head and every time
i bite and kick and stab
the piece of me you've
left in a desperate
attempt to get back some
stupid piece of peace but
it always leads to blood that
means nothing and it all
amounts to nothing because
in the end i wish
i could hate you but i
can only hate this bleeding piece
of shit you said couldn't
be what you wanted and
couldn't be what you needed
but i guess it's just as fair
as it could be
if i always-i wish you wouldn't.
i wish i did.
i wish I could.
i wish we could.
i wish.
i wish.
i wish.