pt. 1

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max's pov:

dry leaves crunched underneath my feet as i walked towards all the cabins. i struggled to carry the heavy bucket full of water balloons as one slipped out and exploded on my left foot causing the sandels i was wearing to get soaked. "shit." i mumbled. i sighed but continued to walk while carrying the heavy bucket of balloons. eventually i got to cabin 4 and carefully opened up the door while trying not to wake up the sleeping girls inside. i took a few water balloons out of the bucket and scattered them across the floor while holding back laughter. suddenly i heard a girl's voice. "hey! what are you doing?" she girl asked. i looked over at one of the girls that was awake and sitting up in bed staring at me.

"uhh...." i stuttered. the girl looked down at the ground and saw all the water balloons. "hey! what the hell are you doing!?" she asked as she got out of her bed. without answering i tried to run of the cabin before she could see my face, but i slipped because my sandal was still wet from before. the girl grabbed my arm and pulled me up off the ground before reaching for a flash light and turning it on. the girl shinned the light in my face, and i tried to hide my face so she couldn't see who i was, but she saw anyways.

"max! what the hell!?" she said loudly which caused the other girls to wake up. "i'm telling the camp counselor!" she continued as she stepped over all the water balloons. "wait! you don't have to!" i told her. "no! you are so annoying! i'm down with your stupid pranks." the girl said as she brought me outside. i tried to get my arm away from her grasp, but she was stronger than me. she brought me to the counselor's cabin and knocked on the door. "i swear we can talk this though!" i told her. she rolled her eyes in response.

"please! this would be my 3rd strike! i will get kicked out and be bored for the rest of summer!" i told her."good, then you won't be causing anymore ruckus!" she told me. after the counselor didn't open the door, the girl that caught me trying to prank her cabin knocked again. eventually the counselor opened the door, and she looked tried and annoyed. "what is it?" she asked while rubbing her eyes. "i caught max trying to prank my cabin!" the girl said in an annoyed tone.

"max seriously again!? you know if you were caught doing this again it would be your 3rd strike and you would be kicked out of here." the counselor said while crossing her arms. "i promise i won't do it again! it was some stupid shitty joke!" i told the counselor. "ms. mayfield! watch your language!" the counselor snapped. "okay i will deal with this in the morning! both of you go back to sleep! it's two in the morning!" the counselor told us. "yeah yeah whatever." i said while ripping my arm away from the girl. "both of you come back right here bright and early tomorrow morning!" the counselor shouted as we both went our separate ways.


i opened my eyes as i heard one of the new counselors using a bell to wake everyone up. "shit is it morning already?" i asked while sitting up in bed. "yeah, where were you last night?" one of the girls i shared a cabin asked. i stayed silent and got out of bed. "hello? you gonna answer me?" the same girl asked as she looked up from the book she was reading. i muttered a response and then walked towards the door and left. i really hope that i won't get another strike. if i did get another one, i would be kicked out of hawkins camp, which the only reason i agreed to sign up for is because i just moved here from california, and i don't want to be stuck with my alcoholic mom all summer in a small cramped house.

i eventually reached the head counselors cabin and knocked on the door. "helloo?? i'm heree." i called out as i continued to knock. she opened the door and immediately looked annoyed. "i heard you knock the first time max!" she said. before i could speak the second girl showed up. "okay, let's go to to the main building." the said as she shut her cabin door and led us to the main building where the bathrooms and office was.

i had been sent here multiple times to see the head counselor, so i knew where it was already.


"so what exatly happend last night?" the counselor asked. "i was sleeping and then i woke up and max was putting water balloons everywhere!" she girl said. the counselor turned and looked at me and then spoke. "max, is that what happened?" she asked. i shrugged. she sighed and then spoke. "max if this is true, then it would be your 3rd strike." the counselor told me. "what? please- i will stop with the pranks, just please-" "okay, listen. i'm not going to kick you out, but i am going to move your cabin so we can fix your behaviour." she told me.

i absolutely had no clue how that was going to 'fix my behaviour' but at least i was not gonna be kicked out. "uh sure, to like a single one or?" i asked. "no, you will be sharing a cabin with another girl." she told me. "uh okay.." i responded.

"angela, dear, go back to your cabin." the counselor told the other girl. the girl nodded and stood up and walked out of the office. "okay max, i will show you your new cabin." the counselor said as she stood up. "okay." i responded while standing up and following her.


"and this is it right here." the counselor said as she opened the door to a cabin. "the other girl you will be staying with should be here soon, she is probably just eating breakfast." she told me. "okay, i'll just stay here because i'm not hungry." i told the counselor. "alright, remember activities start in two hours," she said. "oh, and remember max, no. more. pranks." the counselor said in a strict voice. i have a thumbs up and she left the room.

i sighed and sat down on one of the beds and looked around the room. it was a basic cabin, but with only two twin size beds, instead of 2 bunk beads like the regular ones. there was a window with a small dresser underneath to put your clothes in, and a small bookshelf with a few miscellaneous items i assume belonged to the other girl.

i decided that i might as well unpack my stuff while i wait for the other girl. i opened up my backpack and grabbed out a few of my wonder woman comics, and my clothes and set them down beside me on the bed.
suddenly i heard the door open and i looked up to see five people standing in the door way.

there was a smaller boy with a brown bowlcut and brown eyes, a taller boy with dark hair and a bandana around his head, a boy with brown curly and his two front teeth missing, a very tall boy with raven curly hair, and last but not least a short girl with shoulder length brunette hair, and deep hazel eyes with a surprised look on her face. as i saw this girl i immediately knew that was the girl i was sharing the cabin with. normally i could care less about people i shared the cabin with, but this girl.. she was different. as i saw her i became really nervous, and my heart started to race and my palms became sweaty. as she approached me butterflies filled my stomach.

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