pt. 27

841 13 23

max's pov:

el stared at me helplessly not knowing what to do as joyce continued to try to get the lipstick off. "it's fine- me and max were about to make popcorn anyways." el told her as she stepped away. "oh- okay." joyce nodded as she looked at el and then me. joyce's eyes scanned my lips, and then hurriedly looked back at el's cheek. joyce's eyes widened as she realized they were the same shade and put two and two together. "um.. i- i'm gonna go.. water the windows.." joyce said awkwardly as she left the kitchen in a hurry. i looked over at el, and we made eyes contact before immediately both bursting out into laughter. "do you think she knows?" el asked me. "definitely." i answered. the laughter died down, and el started to look really scared. "hey what's wrong?" i asked her. "do you think she'll tell my dad?" el asked me in a concerned tone. "no, joyce would never. i think we can trust her with our secret." i reassured her. she smiled sadly and nodded.


"do you have the movie set up?" i asked el as i ran into her bedroom with two hot bags of popcorn. "yeah! i hope you don't mind i already chose the movie." el told me as i sat down beside her on her bed. "that's okay, as long as it's not that one movie we watched before." i told her as i handed her a bag of popcorn. "about maybe a month ago me, joyce, and will saw a movie and it was really cool. can we maybe watch it again?" el suggested. "yeah of couse, i don't mind what we watch." i told el with a soft smile. her face lit up and she got off her bed and started to dig though her dvd bin. "it should be here somewhere." el told me as i poured the two bags of popcorn into a big bowl. "here it is!" el excitedly told me as she grabbed a dvd and set up the movie.

"what movie is it?" i asked her as she sat back down beside me on her bed. "it's called dear zoe, the girl reminds me alot of your actully, well just your hair and eyes- but still." el told me as she cuddled up to me.
"i think every ginger with blue eyes reminds you of me." i told el as i slightly giggled. "maybe i just think of you a lot." el said as she grabbed a blanket and put it over us. my stomach started to do flips and flops, as i gently smiled. "you think of me a lot?" i asked her as butterflies grew in my stomach. her face turned red out of embarrassment, and she awkwardly looked away. "i- i mean yeah.. i guess so.." el awkwardly admitted. i felt my smile grow bigger as i spoke.

"you don't have to be embarrassed el, you're literally all that's on my mind 24/7." i admitted to her now feeling a bit embarrassed. "really?" el asked me as she smiled. "yeah, what else would i be thinking about other then my girlfriend?" i asked her as she started to laugh. i looked over at her tv as the movie began, and i felt even more butterflies as el grabbed my hand and held it in hers.


"why did you make me watch such a sad movie?" i dramatically cried out. el looked really concerned and worried as she spoke. "i'm sorry i forgot that it is sad!" el apologized as she tried to comfort me. "i will never forgive you for this." i told el in a sarcastic tone as i crossed my arms dramatically. honestly i was not even that sad, i was just loving the attention el was giving me because she thought i was upset. "i'll tell you what, how about i read you one of your comics?" she suggested as she grabbed one of my comics laying on her bed. "okay.." i agreed. el lied down on her bed, and i cuddled up beside her as she began to read.

el's pov:

"perpare for vengeance doctor psycho!" i red outloud to max. i looked over at her smiling face, but as soon as she saw me looking at her she quickly changed her expression to a frown and sad look. i smiled to myself as i looked back to the comic and continued to read it. i knew that max was not actually sad, well maybe she was a little upset, but i knew she was just trying to over exaggerate to get my attention. i honestly didn't mind though, i thought it was adorable she thought she had to fake being upset to get my attention. i was tempted to tell her i knew she was faking, but i didn't want to actually risk to upset her. i knew it was very hard to make max mad, unless your mike of couse, but i still didn't want to chance it. she was literally my world and i wouldn't risk that to change ever in my entire life.

i looked over at max again, and her eyes looked heavy. "are you tired?" i asked her. "no, not really.." she told me as she yawned. "yes you are, how about we go to sleep?" i suggested. "but we just started reading the comic and it's only like 10pm." she says with a genuine frown. "it's okay, we can read tomorrow. i'm tired too." i told her as i also yawned. "okay fine, but only because your tired." she agreed as i passed her the comic to put away. i turned off my lamp, and got underneath the covers and cuddling up to her. "goodnight my love." max said softly. as she said that i felt a million butterflies in my stomach, and i could feel my face warming up. "goodnight my lov-"

i got cut off by a soft knock on the door. i sat up and spoke. "come in!" i called out as i turned on my lamp. my dad opened the door and awkwardly peeked in as max also sat up. "hey dad, what's up?" i asked him as i squinted my eyes trying to readjust to the newly bright light. "hey girls just me, i just wanted to tell you to go to sleep now because joyce wanted to take you girls somewhere tomorrow." he told us. "we are, and where to?" i asked him. "before i tell you i just wanted to ask you something." he told me as he opened the door up more and came in. "what is it?" i nervously asked him, fearing joyce might of told him something. he sat down at the foot of my bed before speaking.

"so what do you honestly think about me getting engaged to joyce?" he asked me. "i think it's cool, you guys have been dating since me and will were in kindergarten, so you've been daiting for like 8 years." i told him. "and what do you think about having will as your stepbrother?" he asked me. "will has been like my brother my whole life, it's not going to be very different." i told him. a grin spread across his face as he nodded. "so you are okay with it?" he asked me. "yeah of course! i can't wait for the wedding. when is it exatly?" i asked him. "in two weeks." he told me.
"TWO WEEKS?" i almost shouted.

"yeah," my dad awkwardly told me. "like you said we have been daiting 8 years, and we love eachother. we wanted to officially tie the knot, y'know?" he asked me. i smiled softly and nodded. "i know what it's like to be in love." i told him as i glanced over at max quickly before he could realize what i was saying.
"oh i forgot what i came in here for," he said as he looked over at max. "max i talked to your mom and she agreed to let joyce take you girls dress shopping." he told us with a grin. "joyce is going to take us to shop for dresses? like our bridesmaids dresses?" i excitedly asked him. "yeah, did she tell you that you girls are going to be the flower girls?" he asked. "yeah she did!" i told him. he smiled and then stood up.

"anyways, busy day tomorrow. i'll let you girls get some rest." he told us as he walked over to the door. "okay dad, good night, love you!" i said as i turned off the lamp. "good night girls!" he called out as he shut the door. me and max both lied back down and i cuddled up to her. "i'm surprised your dad didn't realize what you were saying." max told me as she started to gently laugh. "me too, i didn't even realize i was saying it untill after. i'm kinda happy he didn't realize it though. i don't think i'm ready to come out yet to him." i told her. "but you're ready to come out to joyce? she already kinda knows. i think she realized it." max told me. "i don't think she would ever judge. what about you and your mom? how did she take the news?" i asked her.

max softly smiled as she spoke. "good actually. she supports me." she told me as her smile turned into a grin. i smiled too, and couldn't help but feel really happy for my girlfriend. "i'm so happy for you max, but i'm really tired can we sleep?" i asked her as i cuddled up closer to her. "of couse el, goodnight, sweet dreams." she said as i felt her kiss my forehead. i could feel butterflies swarming my stomach, as i grabbed her hand and held it in mine.

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