pt. 14

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el's pov:

i opened my eyes to feel the warm sun shinning on my face though the gap in my curtains. the memories of last nights encounters with max flooded back into my mind for the millionth time. my lips still tasted like the mango chapstick she wears, so i knew it was not a dream. the smell of eggo waffles filled the air, as i got out of my bed and walked to the kitchen as i rubbed my eyes. "moring dad.." i muttered as i sat down at the kitchen table. "hey kid, is eggos alright for breakfast?" he asked as he set them in a plate. "yeah that's fine." i said as i yawned. he set 2 plates of eggos down at the table, and sat down across from me. "enjo- wait whos hoodie is that? i didn't think you have a hoodie that looks like that?" he asked as i stared at the sweat shirt i was wearing.

i looked down and slightly blushed as the thought of last night re-entered my mind. "oh- uh it's mine i've just never worn it before.." i lied to him while taking a bite of one of the eggos. he nodded and poured some syrup ontop of his waffles. last night i didn't get a single second of sleep, other then maybe 30 minutes, so i was exhausted. i couldn't get the thought of max out of my head, and the feeling of max's lips against mine. every time i thought of it i got massive butterflies in my stomach, and my cheeks would warm up.

"so any plans with your friends today?" my dad asked as he took another bite of the eggos. "i think all 6 of us are going to mikes house for a sleepover." i told him. he looked up with a slight confused face. "six? i thought you, will, mike, dustin, and lucas we're friends?" he asked me. "oh yeah i forgot to tell you," i told him. "i met a girl at camp and became friends with her." i told him while smiling. "aw that's great kid." he said while smiling.

i nodded and took another bite of my eggos, the whole time i couldn't get max out of my head. the feeling of her lips against mine honestly felt like a dream still.


a knock on the front door tore me out of my daydreams about max, i stood up and walked to the door, before hopper ran to the door first to open it. "hey joyce!" he said as he invited her in. "hey hop!" she said as she gave him a quick peck on the lips before comming inside with will behind her. "hey will!" i said while smiling. "hey el! i brought my stuff became my mom said she would drive us to mikes house after lunch!" he told me as he took off his shoes. "okay, i really hope things won't be too awkward.." i said as me and him walked upstairs to my room.

"well at last you will have me there, and did you ask max if she's coming aswell?" he asked me. i slightly blushed as i spoke. "i don't know, we didn't really talk yesterday after her mom picked her up." i told him. "oh yeah, is she okay? she seemed really upset." he asked. "i don't know.." i answered him. "hm, okay i'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly." he said as he walked into the bathroom. i nodded and walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed.

i thought about max more, and i still couldn't belive it. well two things actully. first off i still can't believe max feels the same way i do.. i mean for sure i thought she would never feel the same way about me. i mean, max mayfield has a crush on me.. maxine freaking mayfield likes me as more then a friend. the whole time after joyce picked me and will up from camp, it felt like my heart was going to break. why didn't i just chase after max and tell her that i love her too?

that's the reason i went to her house last night, i really wanted to confess my feelings towards her, but first i just needed to kiss her. i was really shocked that she thought i would call her names, or tell people, or even end our friendship. i could never do that to her. more then anything i wanted to continue to kiss her, and just spend time with her, but her mom caught us kissing. i don't know if her mom is homophobic, or not, i really hope not. i really didn't want max to get in trouble because of me.

"my mom is taking us to mikes in an hour, do you have your stuff packed?" will asked me as he walked into my bedroom. "oh yeah, i will in a second." i told him. "and max is for sure comming?" he asks me as he sits down on my bed. "i should probably ask her.." i say quietly as i all of a sudden become really nervous. i reached over to the phone, and picked it up. "you know her home phone number right?" will asked. "uhm- yeah she gave it to me a few days ago.." i tell him in a nervous tone. "okay, so are you gonna call her?" will asks. "uh-" i stutter. "here just let me do it." will says reaching for the phone in my hand and dialing her phone number after i told him it.

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