pt. 13

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max's pov:

"thanks for cheering me up rob." i say as i pull her into a hug. "no problem max, and don't worry i promise i won't tell anyone you like el." she said with a soft smile. "thanks, it really means a lot." i told her while also smiling. "have a good dinner." i heard her call as i walk inside of my house. i shut the door and took off my shoes and then heard my moms voice. "MAXINE!" she yelled. "what!?" i ask in an annoyed tone. "where were you?" she asks with a mad look on her face. "i was out with a friend?" i told her. "for 4 hours!?" she yelled. "yeah? am i not aloud to leave the house suddenly?" i asked in a sarcastic tone. "not for 4 hours! you know what whatever, just come eat dinner." she told me while pointing to the kitchen.

"what did you make?" i asked her. "chicken and peas." she told me. "ew.." i muttered as i ignored her requests to eat, and went to my bedroom. "MAXINE! come back over here!" my mom yelled before i slammed my door shut. i threw my skateboard back down on the ground, and fell into my bed.

the words robin told me just a bit ago, kept lingering in my mind. she told me that she was here for me, and by my side. the only other person who had told me that was.. el..

just the thought of el made my heart ache. i knew she definitely hated me for certain now, and lucas, will, dustin, all hated me by now. mike hated me before all this shit blew up, but now he would hate me even more. right now he is probably busy making out with el, and their making fun of me as i think of this. i glanced out the window, and saw the sun starting to set, and slight drizzle came from the clouds. perfect, a shitty night, to match my shitty feelings.

a knock on my door tore me out of my thoughts, and i immediately felt angry. "GO AWAY MOM!" i screamed. "maxine i know your are mad, i'm not here to force you to eat, i just want to talk to you." she told me. i groaned and then got off my bed and opened the door. my eyes met hers, and she walked in my room. "what do you want?" i asked in an inpatient tone as i crossed my arms. "maxine, i know i'm not the most amazing mom.." she told me. "yeah not shit sherlock.." i muttered. her face turned from a soft expression, to an angry one.

"exuse me?" she asked. "i'm saying no shit you're a shitty parent." i told her in a confident tone. "maxine, i honestly don't get what you want from me. i'm trying my best with you-" "YEAH WELL TRY HARDER." i screamed at her. "wh-"

"HAVE YOU EVER ASKED ME HOW MY DAY HAS BEEN? NO. HAVE YOU EVER ASKED ME HOW I FEEL? HAVE YOU ASKED ME IF I EVEN LIKE BEING CALLED MAXINE? MY NAME IS MAX MOM, ITS MAX." i screamed at her as i felt a tear escape from my eye. "oh.. i didn't know you felt that way.." she told me. "well maybe if you payed attention to me, and didn't drink, or smoke, or cry about your dumbass abusive ex-husband leaving you, you would know." i told her as i felt another year escape from my eye.

she nodded silently as a tear rolled down her cheek, and then she spoke. "i'm sorry you feel that way," she said. "i guess i will give you some space to cool off.." she said as she stood up. i stayed silent as i watched her walk out my bedroom, and shut the door.

i shut my eyes tightly and felt another tear roll down my cheek. i fell into my bed and burried my head deep in my pillow, and screamed into my pillow as i felt more tears roll down my cheek.

i sobbed into my pillow, making it all wet from my tears, and all gross, and then my eyes became heavy. i tossed into my side and stared out my window as the rain began to fall harder. by now the sun was almost fully set, and the sky was pitch black just with big thundering rain clouds. i heard thunder crash, and then my room got lit up by lightning. i slightly jumped each time there was a boom from the thunder, but eventually the heavy rain blocked out the other nosies, and i slowly drifted off to sleep.


my eyes shot open to hear another big bang from the thunder. i slightly jumped, and then looked over at my clock. '1:07am' the clock read. i sighed and flipped back over into my stomach and burried my head back into my pillow in an attempt to go back to sleep, when another noise caught my attention. it was not thunder, nor rain, but it sounded like something against glass. i sat back up in my bed, and sighed as i looked at my window, and squinted my eyes to see if there was something there. maybe like a stray cat or raccoon or something?

after staring for a few seconds, my eyes made out the shape of a figure of somebody. my heart dropped and i stood up out of my bed and grabbed my skateboard if i had to use it as a weapon. i slowly crept towards the window with my skateboard raised above my head ready to strike anybody who tried to break in.

as i got closer to the window, i could see more and more details of this person. from what i could tell it was a girl around my age, with brown hair, brown eyes, and.. holy shit..

my heart sank as i realized who it was. there was one more strike of lightning near by, lighting up the sky, and revealing the persons identity. my suspicions were correct.

"EL?" i asked as i quickly opened my window. "max?" el asked while chattering her teeth. el's soft brown hair was soaked from the rain, and her t-shirt she was wearing was drenched in rain water, and she was shaking head to toe. "what are you doing here?" i ask her as i set down my skateboard. "c-can i c-come in?" she asked. "uh yeah i guess so.." i reply as i open up my window wider for her to get in.

"what are you doing here?" i ask in an annoyed tone as i shut my window. she stayed silent and i turned around to face her. "listen, if you are here to end our friendship, or make fun of me, or to call me a f@g or some other shit like that just get it over with." i tell her in an inpatient tone. "i'm not-"

"i don't need a bullshit story el. just get it over with and-" "i told mike no.." el told me while interrupting me. i stared at her in shock and disbelief for a few seconds before i struggled to speak. "w-what? i thought you would say yes..?" i tell her. "no, i told him no." she tells me. "okay..? well then i presume you are here to tell me that you told everyone.." i ask her. "i told no one.." she told me. "okay.. then you are here to call me a dumb worthless dyk3.. just get it over with el. i wanna go back to sleep-"

el stopped me from speaking and finishing my sentence, by slamming her soft lips into mine.

my heart started to beat faster, and butterflies filled my stomach, as i placed my hands on her waist and kissed her back. she placed her hands on my shoulders as she pulled me closed (if that's even possible) and smiled against the kiss.

suddenly i heard my door swung open, and my moms voice. "MAXINE!" i heard my mom scream as me and el pulled away from the kiss at the same time.

"mom.." i quietly say as my heart stops. she looked over at el and then spoke. "it's one A.M maxine. you're friend should leave." she tells me. i look back over at el, not knowing what i should say. el quickly nods and then walks towards my door. my mom steps out of the way, so el can leave, and i quickly follow her.

"el wait!" i call out before el walks out the front door. she gives me a confused look as i speak. "it's cold.." i tell her as i take off my hoodie and hand it to her. "thanks.." she's softly says as she slips on the hoodie. "uhm.. see you later?" i ask her with a hopeful smile. she looks at me one more time and smiles before walking into the freezing cold thunder storm. i watch as my once dry hoodie immediately becomes soaking wet with ice cold rain water, and el walks away shooting me a quick smile. i stand by the door untill i can no longer see her, and reluctantly shut the door with a smile on my face.

i turn around, and my smile fades as i see my moms standing there with her arms crossed. "who was that girl maxine?" she asks in a serious tone. "my friend.." i quietly say. "yeah well i don't think friends make out maxine," she tells me in a slightly mad tone. "now who was that?" she asks again as i feel more tears flood my eyes. "her name is jane.." i tell her. "but she goes by el.." i continue. "okay? so nothing else to tell me, maybe why YOU WERE KISSING HER?" she asks.

"I MET HER AT CAMP OKAY?" i yell back. "that still does not explain why you were making out in your bedroom at 1 am!" she shouts. i take a deep breath and then scream. "I LOVE HER OKAY? IM GAY AND IM IN LOVE WITH HER." i screamed.

the colour from my moms face drained, and she sat down on the couch. "why didn't you tell me?" she softly asks. "because mom. i was scared. my whole life you have been talking about my future boyfriend, or husband, yet that's just not gonna happen.." i told her. we stayed silent for a few minutes then i spoke. "i'm going to sleep." i say as i walk past her and go towards my room. i enter my bedroom and throw myself down on my bed and shut my eyes.

i can still perfectly remeber and could probably even describe the feeling of el's lips against mine. my lips still tasted like the cherry chapstick she wears. i could feel my eyes get heavy once again, and i eventually drifted off to sleep with a small smile on my face as i thought of el.

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