pt. 25

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el's pov:

"wait you are!?" i excitedly ask them as i jump up off the couch. they both smile and nod as joyce lifts her left hand revealing an engagement ring. "oh my god it's so pretty!" i say as i look at her ring. "wow congratulations!" max congulats them. joyce looked over at will, and then spoke. "so honey, what do you think?" she asks. "does johnathan know yet?" he asked. "no, but since he's going off to college soon, i thought we could tell him later, this night could just be about us," joyce said as she glanced over at max. "and max." joyce continued with a smile on her face. "that's great and i'm really happy for you two, but can we celebrate tomorrow night? since max is over and stuff." i asked them. "yeah of course honey, have fun!" my dad said as me and max stood up. "thanks dad! bye congrats again!" i called out as me and max went upstairs and into my bedroom.

"wow, i can't believe that just happened." max said with a surprised look on her face. "yeah me too, it's gonna be really fun to have an official step mom and step brother though!" i said with a smile. "hopefully will is a lot better then billy." max says as she sits down on my bed. "he is, he's been my bestfriend since kindergarten, that's how our parents me and started dated." i told her. "that's so cool!" max said with a smile on her face. "i don't think i've ever been to a wedding before." i told max. 
a simple smirk appeared on her face as she spoke. "well you are planning on going to ours right? your not just gonna leave alone at the altar?" she asked me as she for closer to my face. my face turned as bright red as max's hair, and i began to stumble over my words.
"wh-what? our wedding?" i asked as i could feel my heart starting to race. "our wedding." she repeated with a smirk on her face.

my eyes went from max's eyes, to down to her lips. i was about to speak, but then i heard a knock on my door. she moved away from me, and then i called out. "come in!" i called out as somebody opened my door. "hey honey, sorry to interrupt but i was wondering if i could discuss something with you and max?" joyce asked. i looked at max feeling slightly confused and worried, thinking will had told them something, but then joyce spoke again. "it's about the wedding!"  joyce told me interrupting my thoughts. "oh, uh sure! what's is it?" i asked them. "okay so since me and hopper are not inviting that many people, mainly because we don't know that many people, we are wondering if max would like to come?" joyce asked.

i looked over at max with pleading eyes, hoping she would say yes, and with my luck she agreed. "sure, that sounds really fun actually!" max agreed with a smile. "great! and you two can even be the flower girls!" joyce told us. "how long have you guys been engaged? you have like everything planned?" i questioned. "uh- about a week.." joyce admitted. "AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME OR WILL?" i asked feeling shocked and surprised. "sorry.." joyce muttered. "it's okay, anyways do you know when my dads cooking dinner?" i asked her. "it'll be ready in 15 minutes." joyce told us. i gave a thumbs up, and then joyce left my room. i turned back to max, and then she spoke.

"soo.. about that wedding.." max said with a smirk still on her face. "what about it?" i responded as i attempted to look like i was not really flustered by what max had just said before joyce had walked in. "you are going to marry me, right?" max asked as she got close to my face again. i nodded without hesitation as my eyes moved down to her lips again. max started to lean in, as i could feel my heart racing again. as our lips connected, she usual feeling of butterflies returned as i tucked a peice of hair behind max's ear. after a bit i slightly pulled away from this kiss so i could speak. "do you wanna play charades?" i asked her. "i have a great idea! what about i do your makeup?" max suggested instead. i hesitated for a second, i had never had my makeup done before. i guess that's just the cons of being raised by a single dad most of your life. "sure but can i do yours after?" i asked her with a hopeful smile. she sighed and shook her head. "no way in hell i'm putting makeup on my face." she told me while slightly giggling.

"oh come on, pleasee." i pleaded with her. she playfully rolled her eyes and gave in. "fine but i'm not gonna enjoy it." she said in a fake annoyed tone. "YES! this is gonna be so fun!" i practically shouted as i jumped up off my bed and span around in circles. "woah calm down ms. hyper, it just some makeup not a big deal." she told me while slightly giggling. "yeah your forgetting," i said as i pointed to the door signaling outside. "single dad who has no clue how to do makeup." i continued. "do you think joyce would have some makeup here?" max asked me. "well she spends like half of her time here, so she might have some stuff in my dad's room." i told her as she stood up off my bed. "we can go look, come on!" i said as i grabbed her hand and dragged her out of my bedroom towards my dad's bedroom.

"wow, if i ever went into my moms bedroom without her permission she would ground me." max said as we snuck into my dad's room. "surprisingly i've never been grounded before." i told her as we went into the bathroom attached to my dad's bedroom. "i've been grounded more times then my heart has beaten." max joked. i started to giggle, and then max spoke again. "i'm not kidding, i'm being serious." she told me with a serious face. i couldn't help but still laugh, as we looked around the bathroom for makeup. "oh here it is!" i said as i grabbed some lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, and others stuff. "great! should we ask joyce first if we can use her stuff?" max asked. "yeah, let's go ask her!" i said as we left the bathroom, and went downstairs.

we walked into the kitchen, and there we saw joyce cooking a pot of pasta while my dad was gluing a broken picture frame, and will was sitting there reading his comic. joyce looked up from the pot of pasta, and then spoke. "hey girls! dinner is ready if you wanna sit down." she told us. "aww okay- after dinner is it okay if me and max use your makeup?" i asked her. "yeah of course sweetie! i barley use it anyways, it would just go to waste anyways." she answered. "thanks! your the best!" i thanked her. she smiled and then spoke. "anytime!" she said.

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