pt. 28

810 11 6

el's pov:

as i opened my eyes, i looked over and saw max's face staring at me. once she noticed i was awake she quickly looked away with an embarrassed expression on her face. "moring.." i mumbled as i yawned. "good morning love, how did you sleep?" she asked me. "i slept good, what about you?" i asked her as i sat up and rubbed my eyes. "i slept good, when is joyce going to be here?" "i don't know but probably soon." i answered her. "can we stay in bed a little longer? i'm really tired." max told me as she lied back down. "yeah of course, i'm really tired too." i agreed as i lied back down and cuddled up to her. "i wonder what the wedding theme is going to be like." i spoke outloud. "no clue, more importantly what's our wedding theme going to be like?" she asked with a smile painted on her face. "we can figure that out as we go. we still have 4 years to figure that out." i told her. "so you know when your going to propose to me, or should i say when i'm gonna propose to you?" she asked with a smirk.

i softly smiled at her, and then sat up. "that's a secret. how will it be a surprise if you know or i know when we're gonna get married?" i asked her as i got out of my bed. i was trying to be confusing and confuse her by what i had just said. deep down i knew that i wanted to marry max no matter what, one day i knew i was for sure going to propose to her, or she would propose to me, it doesn't really matter, but if i were to ask her to marry me first, i wanted it to be a surprise when i do it. sure were only 14, but i knew i loved her more then anything in the world and i was going to spend the rest of my life with her. "do we have to get up?" she frowned. "yes now get out of bed! did you bring any of your clothes with you to wear today?" i asked her.

"i just have my clothes from yesterday, i can just wear those again." she told me as she got out of my bed and walked towards me. "yeah i don't think so," i told her as i opened up my closet and dug though. "here, you can wear my hoodie and clothes for today." i told her as i tossed her one of my hoodies. "so i finally get one of your hoodies?" she asked with a smile. "yes, and by the way your never gonna get your hoodie back. ever." i told her as i started to laugh. "awh damn. that was my favourite hoodie too." she told me. i couldn't help myself but smile to myself and feel butterflies in my stomach like always.


"moring dad!" i called out as me and max walked
into the kitchen. my dad looked up from his news paper and set down his cup of coffee as he spoke. "oh hey el, joyce is going to pick you and max up to go shopping in 10 minutes." he told us. i gave him a confused look as i sat down across from him. "but what about breakfast?" i asked him. "i think joyce said she was going to take you two out for breakfast before hand." he told me. i glanced over at max, and she shrugged. "okay, she's gonna be here in 10 minutes?" i asked him again. "yeah, you two are ready?" he asked me as he took a sip of his coffee. "yeah we're ready." i told him as i stood up.

"alright, you guys have fun at the mall!" he said as me and max walked out of the kitchen. "so what do you wanna do for now?" i asked her as we walked up to the front door. max's eyes lit up as she spoke. "what about we skateboard some more?" she suggested. "that's a great idea!" i agreed. max nodded and quickly ran upstairs to grab her skateboard. i smiled to myself as i watched her run upstairs and into my bedroom. i loved that she had something she was so passionate about, and made her so happy. honestly i was not the biggest fan of skateboarding, i think it is a good way to get around town, and a good hobby, but i don't love it. the only good part is seeing max's excited and happy face when i agree to skateboard with her. more then anything in the world i loved making her happy.

"here i got it!" max told me as she ran downstairs with her skateboard. "okay! let me just get my shoes on." i told her as i sat down on the steps and put my shoes on. i was trying to tie my laces, but i kept messing up even though i had never before. "ugh, dumb shoes." i groaned as i continued to struggle to tie my laces. "here- let me help." max said as she reached over and tied my shoes for me. "aw thank you." i thanked her as i smile grew on my face. "of couse, now let's please go outside." she asked as she started to get impatient.

i nodded and grabbed her hand and ran outside. she shut the door behind her, as i grabbed the skateboard out of her hands and placed it down on the side walk. "okay, you remember what to do?" she asked me as she helped me step onto the skateboard. "yeah i think so-" i told her as i slightly kicked off. max grabbed my hands and held them so i could balance and not fall of the skateboard. a smile spread across her face as i started to pick up speed, and her eyes were practically sparkling. she let go of my hands and started to cheer, as i started to feel a bit more confident. "YES! YOUR DOING AMAZING!" max shouted as she started to clap and continue to cheer me on. i glanced back over my shoulder, but suddenly the board hit a pebble and threw me off her skateboard.

i landed on the concrete hard, as max's skateboard flew into the middle of the busy road. "el! are you okay?" she asked me as she ran over to me and helped me up. "yeah i'm okay, my knee is scraped though.." i told her as i pointed to my knee. "i'm so happy your okay." she told me as she pulled me into a hug. "don't worry i'm fine." i reassured her as i pulled away from the hug and wiped the dirt of my knees. "i'm gonna go get my skatebo-"

she stopped speaking mid sentence as a bit crunch could be heard comming from the middle of the road. i spun around and saw a blue car speeding away, and max's skateboard laying in the middle of the road in peices. my heart skipped a beat and i immediately felt awful as i looked from the road, to over at max's face. she looked a mix of sad, and angry all at the same time. "max- i'm so so sorry!" i apologized as i grabbed her hand. i almost felt like i was going to cry, i felt horrible. it was my fault i got distracted and her board flew into the middle of the busy road. she continued to stare into the road, not moving or even blinking, as tears formed in her eyes. "hey, it's okay we can get you a new skateboard." i tried to reassure her as i pulled her into a hug. i felt her wrap her arms around my waist and squeeze me tight, but i didn't mind.

"hey, hey it's okay.." i tried to calm her down as i heard soft sniffles comming from her. she stumbled over her words a tiny bit, untill she finally got out a full sentence. "m-my dad got m-me that.." she mumbled out. as soon as i heard that, i immediately felt a hundred times worse. "max, love, i'm so sorry. i promise i will buy you a new one and i promise you i won't ever go near it." i told her as i pulled away from the hug and looked her in the eyes. "it's not your fault el. it's that stupid peice of shit dumbass driver.." she told me in a sad tone. i somewhat felt better knowing it was not me she was mad at, but i still felt really awful. no matter who she blamed, it would always be MY fault. my fault max lost her favourite thing in the world.

"i'm so sorry. i know it was your favourite thing ever, i will make it up to yo-" i said before max cut me off. "what do you mean? el, that's not my favourite thing in the world. you are," she told me as she glanced into the road at her crushed skateboard. "you're right. we can just get a new one. it's okay.." she told me as she took her hands of my waist and walked into the road and grabbed the peices of the board. she quickly ran back to the side walk, as a car pulled into the driveway. i looked over and saw that it was joyce's car. "how about we get you a new skateboard at the mall, okay?" i suggested. she nodded as she held the broken peices close to her chest and hugged them.

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