pt. 22

882 16 6

el's pov:

"what kind of ice cream would you two like?" the girl running the ice cream stand asked. "i'll do vanilla!" i told her. "and i will have strawberry!" max told the girl. "okay, comming right up." the girl said as she grabbed 2 ice cream cones. "so what time is your mom picking you up?" i asked max. "she's not picking me up, i'm walking so i can just leave whatever time i want." she told me. "can you please stay untill 2?" i asked max hoping she would say yes. she sighed, but then agreed. "finee- but only for you." she told me as we walked back towards the pool. as she said that, i immediately got really happy and excited. "REALLY? THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" i practically shouted as i practically jumped into max's arms. "woah woah calm down, i'm gonna drop our ice creams!" she told me as she struggled to hold the ice cream cones and me at the same time. "sorry i'm just really happy right now." i told her while slightly giggling. "hey don't worry about it." max said with a soft smile as she handed me my ice cream.

i smiled and then started to eat my ice cream. "should we go sit somewhere?" max suggested. "yeah alright!" i agreed as i kept eating my ice cream cone. we started walking, and then max glanced at my face. "oh hey you have some ice cream on your face." she told me as she used her thumb to wipe the ice cream away off my lower lip. as she did that, i started to feel even more butterflies in my stomach, and my heart started to race. "can i just.." i said quietly as i leaned in forgetting where we were. my heart started to beat even faster as our lips connected, but then i remembered where we were and immediately pulled away. "oh my go- i'm so sorry max! i didn't mean too i forgot!" i said as i began to panic. max looked around nervously at everyone, and then looked back at me. "uh it's okay, nobody saw." she said with a faint smile. "i'm so sorry.." i apologized again. max grabbed my free hand, with her hand that was not holding the ice cream, and then held it. "ellie, it's okay.." she softly told me as a faint smile spread across her face.

"ellie?" i asked while slightly giggling. "yeah, it's cute. just not as cute as you." max said with a smirk on her face. "god you're an idiot maxine mayfeild." i sarcasticly told her as we started to walk over to the lounge chairs. "wow, is that sarcasm i just heard you use?" max asked me with a slight smirk again. "shut up." i told her again in a sarcastic tone. "okayy.." max said while slightly giggling as we sat down. i continued to eat my ice cream, as the feeling of dread came back. god i really screwed up, i literally just kissed max infront of everyone, at a PUBLIC pool. anybody could of saw that. our friends could of saw that.


"are you guys gonna come back in the pool?" lucas asked as him and dustin approached me and max. "yeah sure!" i agreed as i stood up. "are you gonna come back in the pool?" i asked max. "ehh, it's fine." she answered. "suit yourself." lucas said as he shrugged. lucas looked back at dustin, and then spoke. "cannon ball?" lucas asked. "yeah bet!" dustin said in an excited tone. as they started to count down, i jumped into the pool. "okay.. 3... 2..." lucas counted down. "1- AHH!" lucas screamed as max pushed him into the pool. "YOU SCREAM LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!" max yelled as she burst into laughter. "that's not funny!" lucas complained as he swam back up to the surface. "i'm still doing cannon ball!" dustin told us as he jumped in beside lucas, causing water to splash everywhere. max continued to laugh loudly as i started to laugh aswell. i stuck out my hand for a high five, and when her hand touched mine, i gripped onto her hand and pulled her into the water. "AHH!" max yelled as she fell into the water. i started to laugh too, and then spoke. "that's karma, and you also scream like a little girl." i told her in my best confident tone.

max started to laugh, as she swam a bit closer to me. "okay, that is karma." max said as the laughter died down. just as sudden max started laughing, she suddenly stopped and went dead quiet. "what is it?" i asked as she broke eye contact and looked around. "nothing- it's just um-" she said as she brought her attention back to me, and we made eye contact again. "i just really wanna kiss you right now." she admitted quietly. my heart started to beat faster and then i spoke. "then do it.." i quietly told her as a smirk appeared on my face. we both started to lean in, but suddenly a wet feeling dropped on my forehead. before our lips could even connect once again, i pulled away and looked up at the sky to see a whole bunch of dark clouds.

"andd of course it's raining." she said as she also looked up at the sky. "do you wanna ask the others if they wanna get going?" i suggested. "yeah sure, i don't want to get sick again." she told me as we both swam to the edge of the pool.


"RUNN!" dustin and lucas screamed as we all ditched our bikes on the front lawn of mike's house and ran inside in an attempt to escape the thoundering rain storm outside. "shit that's a bad storm!" max said as she looked out a window. "mike do you have a hair dryer so i can dry my hair?" i asked mike. "uhh, no but you can ask nancy." mike told me as he pointed to the stairs. "thanks." i said before i went upstairs. i heard footsteps following behind me, and i turned around to see max behind me. "i can't believe how hard it's raining! not even 10 minutes ago it was sunny!" max conplained as we approached nancys room. i knocked on the door, and then heard nancys voice. "comming!" she called as i could hear foot steps approaching her door. nancy opened the door, and i slightly peeked in and saw a familiar girl laying on nancys bed reading a magazine upside down.

"hey guys! what's up?" nancy asked. "it's raining and our hair is soaked. can we use a hair dryer?" i asked her. she smiled and then nodded. "i should have one somewhere.." nancy said as she turned around and went to her vanity and rummaged around in some drawers. me and max were just awkwardly standing in the doorway, as max tried to get the girl's attention. i couldn't see her face, but for some reason i recognized her. "are you seriously reading that upside down?" nancy asked the girl while slightly giggling. the girl looked up from the magazine, and then i knew who she was. "what do you mean? it's not upsi- oh.." the girl said in her raspy as realized it was upside down. "hey robin!" max said as she waved at the girl. robin smiled and waved back as she got off nancys bed.

"how are you!? i haven't seen you in like-"
"1 day. it's been 1 day." max cut robin off by saying. once i saw her face, and heard her name, it was comfirmed who she was. the girl i met yesterday at the ice cream parlour that made me really jealous. like i get max is aloud to have other friends— it's just.. it made me really jealous as selfish as that sounds.

"i have the hair dryer!" nancy told us as she walked back over to us and gave me it. "thanks nancy! we'll give it back when we're done." i told her. "thanks el, anything else?" she asked. i looked at max, and she shook her head no. "nope we're all good!" i told nancy before i looked back at max. i tried to make eye contact with max, but she was looking at robin. she quickly glanced at nancy and then back at robin with a tiny smirk, and mouthed the words, 'good luck' before looking back at me. "should we go downstairs and dry our hair?" she asked. "uhm- yeah.. yeah let's go." i answered as we started to walk back downstairs.

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