pt. 19

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max's pov:

"so what do you guys wanna do now?" dustin asked. "maybe a movie? will suggested. "it's only 7, though." mike told us. "yeah no shit sherlock." i replied in a sarcastic tone. he rolled his eyes and then lucas spoke. "have you guys ever heard of fear street?" lucas asked. "what's that?" el asked. "it's a horror movie." lucas told us. "uhm.. i don't really like horror." el told us. "yeah, let's not watch it." i told them. "come on, don't be babies." mike told us. "there good movies, there's fear street 1994, 1978, and 1666." lucas told us. "that sounds cool!" dustin said. "uhh.. i don't know.." will hesitated. "c'mon man! it i'll be fun! it's just a basic slasher movie." lucas told will. "i guess so.." will shrugged. "great! turn it on!" mike said in an excited tone. "whatever but if it gets too gory for el were turning it off." i told them.

"yeah yeah whatever." mike said as lucas pulled out the dvds out of his backpack. "we should make popcorn!" dustin said. "guys can you go get it?" lucas asked as he put in the dvds. "whatever." i said as me and el stood up. we walked upstairs, and towards the kitchen. "do you know where the popcorn is?" i asked el as my eyes darted around their kitchen. "yeah it's up here." el said as she went on her tipy toes and opened the top cabinet. "here i can get it." i said while standing behind el and grabbing the popcorn. "thanks.." el said softly. i grabbed a few bags of popcorn, and put the first one in the microwave.

"hey listen, if you get too scared we can do something else, okay?" i told her. she nodded with a soft smile. we waited in silence for a few minutes, and then the first popcorn bag was ready. i got it out of the microwave, and set it down on the counter as i put in the second popcorn bag. "i really hope it's not too gory." el says. "yeah me too, i like horror movies, but there's a limit." i tell her as the second popcorn bag finishes. this time el grabs this one, as i put in the third bag. "i'm gonna grab some bowls." el tells me as she grabs 3 popcorn bowls, and dumps the 2 already done popcorn bags in the bowls. "i really hope mike does not sit with us." i tell el. "me too, he's kinda been. a jerk lately." she tells me.

"that just him though." i say. "well, he used to be sweet, and kind. just not anymore." she tells me as the last popcorn bag finishes up. i pour the last popcorn bag, in the last popcorn bowl, and then el try's to put away the popcorn again, but she still could not reach the top shelf. once again i stood behind her, and put the popcorn away for her, since i was a bit taller then she was. she turned around and smiled while grabbing two popcorn bowls. "thanks." she softly said as she gave me a kiss on my cheek. after that she went back downstairs to the basement, leaving me alone in the kitchen with my heart beating really fast, and lots of butterflies swarming in my stomach. 

i quickly grabbed the last popcorn bowl, and ran back down stairs to the basement hoping my face would not be that noticeable red.

"are you guys ready to watch the best horror movie ever?" lucas asked before he hit the play button. i sat down beside el as all the boys cheered. "are you sure you wanna do this?" i asked el. she sighed and nervously nodded. lucas hit play, and the movie started. "it began as a prank.." a girl spoke. "and ended in murder." she continued. and then it flashed to a close up on a girls face. it was the girl who was just speaking. "fantastic choice, i love this one." the girl said. "it's trash.." an older girl told the younger girl. the two girls were just talking, something about the older woman's step daughter, but then the phone rang. "this isn't like scream is it? my dad showed me that once and i couldn't sleep for a week.." el told us. "no, there's a killer like ghost face, but it's not like scream. its much much worse." lucas told us. i looked over at el, and she looked at me with a nervous expression. i grabbed her hand with mine, and held it as the movie continued.


"is it over!?" el asked as she hid her face in the blankets that were covering us. i looked away from the tv feeling slightly disgusted. one of the main characters (kate) just got murdered. it was really sad and gross, especially because so far kate was my favourite character so far.

(A/N the first time i watched fear street kate was my fav so it was actully kinda sad to see her dead😕)

reluctantly i looked back at the tv, and it was at the part where kate's friends josh and simon saw her body, and i was about to tell el it was okay, but then simon got an axe to his head. "nope not over yet." i said as i looked away from the tv again. "god you guys are such wimps." mike told us. "sorry this is actually gross, and too gory for some people." i said in a sarcastic tone. "guys shut up this is the good part!" lucas told us as it flashed to the other main characters, deena and sam. "it's okay to look now." i told el as i gently squeezed her hand which i was still holding. she nodded and reluctantly looked back at the tv. "is she gonna be okay?" el nervously asked as it showed deena trying to bring sam back to life. "i hope so." i told el.


after what felt like a lifetime of goriness, and lots of scary stuff, the movie was finally over. "that made no sense.." el told me. "now we have to watch fear street 1978!" lucas said. me and el looked at eachother with uneasy looks. "i don't think that's a good idea. that movie was-"
"AMAZING!" lucas said cutting me off from my sentence. "let's put on fear street 1978 now!" mike told lucas. i looked over at el, and she looked really scared still. next i looked over to see if will or dustin would say not too, but they were both fast asleep. i looked over at el again, and then spoke. "how about we do something else?" i suggested to el. "it's okay really.." el told me with an unconvincing smile. i sighed and nodded. i grabbed el's hand once again as the movie started.

it played out for a few minutes, and then it showed deena and josh talking to an older woman, maybe in her 30's or something. the woman was holding a book, and then took out a photo and showed it to them. "this photo was taken july 12th 1978. one week later my sister was dead." the woman told deena and josh as the camrea zoomed into the photo. the screen went black as a clock could be heard as backround music, and the words 'fear street 1978' popped up with a scream in the backround.

suddenly it showed a girl running though a forest area, and then somebody stuck out their arm, which caused her to trip and fall down on the ground. it showed the girl up closer, and showed she had the same colour hair as me. "she looks like you with her red hair and blue eyes." el pointed out while slightly giggling.


"SARA FEIR! WHERE ARE YOU?" a character named alice called out. "WERE H1GH AND HUNGRY!" alice continued to shout. the movie continued to play, and the characters it was focusing on right now were, cindy, alice, tommy, and alice's boyfriend. they were in the place the was supposedly sara feir's place she used to stay/live in, and one of the guys was acting strange and sat down. alice and cindy were off somewhere exploring, while alice's boyfriend was waving his hand infront of tommy. "dude you okay?" he asked tommy. tommy stayed silent. i glanced over at el and noticed she had an anxious look in her face, like she was preparing for the worst. i squeezed her hand tighter as i looked back at the tv. suddenly tommy stood up and grabbed an axe and hit the other guy with it.

without thinking twice i immediately stood up and pulled el off the couch. "we're not watching this. let's go somewhere else." i told el as i brought her to the other side of the basment where she couldn't see the tv. i didn't notice it before, but now that we were in an area where there was a lamp, i could see that el was shaking and she looked really scared. "woah woah are you okay?" i asked her. i nodded but was still slightly shaking. "hey that's not real, it's okay." i told her as i pulled her into a hug. i felt her nod into my shoulder as i held her in my arms.

"how about we go get our pj's on, okay?" i suggested as i pulled away from the hug. she nodded, and i went to our backpacks and grabbed our pj's because i didn't want her to see the movie again. "here, you can go change, i can change after you." i told her as i passed her, her pj's. she nodded and grabbed her pyjamas from me, and walked into the bathroom. as soon as she shut the bathroom door, i stormed back over to mike and lucas and began to shout. "TURN THAT MOVIE OFF RIGHT NOW!" i screamed at them. "what!? but-"
"NO BUTS! DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED EL IS RIGHT NOW?" i asked them. they didn't answer, so i pulled the remote out of lucas's hand and paused the movie, and then though the remote down onto the ground causing it to smash.

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