pt. 4

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max's pov:

~a few hours later~

"i can't believe summer is almost over already!" will said while taking a sip of his water. "i know! summer just flies by so fast." dustin added while eating some of the vegetables he had on his plate. "i feel like the last two weeks of summer are gonna be fun though!" el said while looking over at me and smiling. "same here." lucas added while also glancing over at me. "i'm so happy that the counsellors are letting us all have a sleepover!" will said with a smile. "me too!" mike said. "it's so annoying having to share a cabin with lots of boys, you guys are lucky you guys get a cabin all to yourselfs." dustin said. "yeah, i'm glad you are in my cabin and not some random girl." el told me as i couldn't help but smile and slightly blush.

"should we go back to your guys cabin?" will suggested. "yeah, let's go!" el said while grabbing her tray of food and standing up. we all put the food we didn't eat in the spare food plate the staff made for leftover food, and walked out of the mess hall and towards me and el's cabin.

"wait should we all grab blankets and pillows since there's only 2 beds?" lucas asked. "uhh yeah probably!" el told them. "alright, guys let's go grab our stuff, we'll meet you guys at your cabin in 5." lucas said as he ran towards the boys cabin with all three of the boys following him.

me and el walked towards our cabin, and inside.

el looked around the room and then spoke. "i have an idea!" she told me. "three of the boys could sleep on the ground, one of the boys can sleep in that bed, and me and you could sleep in my bed!" el suggested. as soon as she mentioned that we could sleep in the same bed, i became really nervous, and i couldn't help but blush. "uh y-yeah sure.. that sounds g-great.." i stuttered while trying to cover my face without being too obvious. "great, we'll tell the boys when they get here!" el said. i nodded and looked away so i wouldn't make eye contact with her.

suddenly the door swung open and all four boys ran inside. "hey! by the way we have a new sleeping aragameant!" el told the boys. "what is it?" they all asked in sync. "okay, one of you can sleep on max's bed, three of you in the ground, and max will sleep in my bed." el told them while smiling. "where are you gonna sleep?" mike asked her. "in my bed also." el told him a bit confused. "wait no, if somebody sleeps in your bed should it not be me?" mike asked. "no? plus i want max too." el said while reaching for my hand and grabbing which caused me to blush even more.

"i'm cool with it, just who will sleep in max's bed?" dustin asked. "uh rock paper scissors?" el suggested. they all agreed, and played it out of three, and will won. "ugh, son of a bitch." dustin muttered as he lost. "great!" will said as he put all his pillows and blankets on my bed. "what should we do for now?" dustin asked as he set up a bed on the ground. "we could play truth or dare?" lucas suggested. "that sounds like fun!" i said. "great then let's play!" lucas said.

we all sat down on the ground in a circle, and began to play. "i will go first!" lucas said. he looked around at all of us, and then his eyes stopped at me. "max truth or dare?" he asked. "truth!" i confidently replied. a smile spread across his face as he spoke. "max, do you have a crush on anyone currently?" he asked. that quetion caught me off guard, and i became really nervous.   "u-uh i don't know.." i stuttered. "i'm just kinda confused.." i admitted to them as i stared at the floor. i looked back up at all of them, and noticed el looked kind of disappointed.

"uhm, okay i'll go next i guess," mike said. "el, truth or dare?" mike asked. "truth." el replied. "okay el, do you have feelings for anyone currently?" mike asked her. el looked down at the ground kind of embarrassed and muttered an answer. "kinda.." she said quietly.

hearing that, felt like my heart got shattered into a million pieces, and i felt really jealous. it does not help that it is probably mike she has a crush on. stupid mike. i mean, what is so great about him that's not great about me?

oh right.. probably everything. mike is the whole 'tall dark and handsome' person, he is like 5'6, and he has thick black curly hair, and he is 'handsome' i guess. but his personality sucks. i continued to hear all 5 of them speaking, and asking random questions or dares, but i couldn't tear the thought out of my mind that el has a crush on somebody, and that somebody is probably not me.

suddenly i felt a hand on my knee and somebody speaking. "max are you okay?" el asked me. "oh um yeah i'm fine i was just thinking.." i replied. "it's your turn to ask a question." dustin told me. "oh uhh," i said while looking around the room for somebody i could ask a question or dare. "uh dustin, truth or dare?" i asked him. "truth!" he replied confidently. lucas slightly chuckled and spoke. "scaredy-cat." lucas muttered. dustin smacked his arm and gave an annoyed look. "hm, okay do you have any secrets?" i asked him. "uhh.. well it's not a secret, but i don't think any of you know this," dustin said. "i have a girlfriend who lives in utah." dustin continued.

lucas looked over at dustin with a shocked look, and then spoke. "woah, YOU have a girlfriend?" he asked in a surprised tone. "yup, these pearls can pull any girl i want." dustin confidently replied while showing off his teeth. lucas rolled his eyes and then looked back around the circle. "who's turn is it?" will asked. "can i go?" dustin asked. "you just went!" will complained. "it's fine, just go." mike told him. a smile spread across his face and he turned to el.

"el, truth or dare?" he asked. "what about dare?" el responded. dustin's smile grew as he spoke. "i dare you to jump in the lake with all your clothes on." he told her while laughing. el's face dropped and she became nervous. "but it's gonna be cold and i don't wanna get in trouble!" she told dustin. "a dare is a dare." dustin told her. "but-" "i'll do it." i told dustin.

dustin turned to me and then spoke. "are you sure?" he asked. "yeah, it'll be fun anyways." i said while standing up. i walked towards the door and turned around. "you guys coming or what?" i asked them. "oh shit your actually gonna do it?" lucas asked while standing up. "yeah, a dare is a dare." i told him. they all stood up, and we walked towards the lake.


as we approached the lake, a felt somebody grab my arm. i turned around to see el's worried face. "max, it's okay, it's my dare i can do it." she told me. "no el, i will do it if your uncomfortable." i told her. "are you sure?" she asked me one final time. i smiled and nodded as she sighed and let go of my arm. we all walked onto the a wooden dock, and i stood on the edge. "do it do it do it!" i heard dustin and lucas chant.  i turned around and looked at el's concerned face. i gave her a slight smile, and then i squeezed my nose so i didn't breath the water (if that makes sense😭) and jumped in.

"HOLY SHIT YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!" i heard one of the boys yell. the water was freezing, and felt like ice water, so i quickly got out of the water and climbed back into the dock. "max! are you okay?" el asked me as she ran up to me. "yeah i'm okay, i'm just a lot colder then i thought i would be." i told her while slightly shaking from the cold. "guys this was dumb!" el yelled at the boys. "it was funny!" dustin told her. "yeah it kinda was." mike said. "it is cold though, can we please go back to the cabin?" will asked. "yes please." i said while starting to chatter my teeth.


"here max have this!" el said as she grabbed a blanket off her bed and put it over me. "t-thanks.." i said while still chattering my teeth. "here i should have a towel too," el said as she dug though her backpack looking for a towel. "here! dry your hair with this!" el told me as she handed me a towel. "t-thank y-you.." i said while reaching for the towel. i tried my best to dry my long knotted red hair, but in the end i just decided to let it air dry even though i would get colder. "should we keep playing truth or dare?" mike asked. "we should probably go to sleep soon, i don't want to get in trouble by the counsellors." will said. "yeah i agree." lucas said.

"yeah, so we could just talk?" dustin suggested. "yeah sounds good." mike said. we all went dead quiet, and then el stood up off the ground. mike gave her a confused look. i was about to ask where she was going, but i suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. i looked over my shoulder and saw el giving me a hug from behind. "are y-you okay?" i asked her. "yeah, i'm just trying to warm you up, apparently hugs can warm people up." she told me. "thank you.." i told her while blushing, and feeling millions of butterflies in my stomach.

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