pt. 32

616 11 25

max's pov:

"el! please let me in!" i begged as i continued to knock on her bedroom door. she didn't say anything, but just continued to quietly sob. "is she okay?" lucas asked me as he tapped on my shoulder. i spun around, and immediately felt furious. "lucas! what the hell was on that banner?" i asked him. "i- uhm-.." he stuttered.
"I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA. LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO EL." will shouted as he stormed out of the guest room he used as his bedroom. "how was i supposed to know dude!?" lucas shouted. "whatever! im going to go get hopper. maybe he has a key to el's bedroom." he told us before he went downstairs.

"lucas." i said coldly with an angry expression. "what the hell was on that banner?" i asked him. he looked down at the ground with an embarrassed look. "fine. i'll go see for myself." i told him, shoving past him to get to wills room. i stormed into wills bedroom, and there i found mike and dustin standing there. without saying a word i picked up the banner and read it.

'max, i really like you, will you be my girlfriend?' it red.

my confusion quickly turned to anger as i red the message over and over again. no wonder why el was upset, lucas just asked me out.

i threw down the banner and left wills room, walking back towards the outside of el's bedroom where lucas was standing with an anxious expression on his face. he quickly looked up at me, and then stumbled over his words. "s-so..?" he asked me with a nervous expression. "no! first of all that's exatly how mike asked el out last week, it's a dumb idea and will always be, second of all help me open this door so i can get to el." i told him as i checked my pockets incase i had a bobby pin or something like that to pick the lock. "what? no? max i have done nothing to you!" lucas conplained. "no lucas! you have done the exact opposite. you've done enough clearly." i coldly explained as i felt around in my sweater pocket. i was about to give up hope, when i suddenly felt a sharp metal object. i sighed out of relief once i pulled out a bobby pin, and tried to unlock the door.

"so you're just gonna leave it at that! no!? no reasons, or why, or no 'sorry lucas your a great guy- just not my type'. or something like that?" lucas conplained. as lucas finished speaking mike and dustin walked towards us. "so..?" dustin asked. "are you two a couple now..?" he continued. "NO!" i practically screamed. mike and dustin looked shocked and surprised as i told them that. "but i thought you said the idea would work-"
"THE IDEA WAS STUPID. NOW EL IS UPSET AND ITS YOUR FAULT." i shouted as i got closer to lucas's face. he stepped back a little in shock, as i finally got the door unlocked. i threw open the door, and there i saw el curled up on her bed hugging my sweater and crying.

"el-" i called out as i ran towards her and hugged her. "hey- don't worry. im here now, im here." i reassured her as i gently rubbed her back. "please don't leave me max. i can't loose you." she told me as she continued to softly sob. "hey- el. im not going anywhere okay?" i told her as i pulled away from the hug so i could look her in the eyes. she nodded, but then her sad expression turned to anger as she saw lucas, dustin, and mike standing in her doorway.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM. I HATE YOU GUYS." el screamed. "what!? what did we do?" mike asked her. "EVERYTHING. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." she continued to shout. "IS THIS ABOUT US? ARE YOU JEALOUS BECAUSE LUCAS ASKED MAX OUT THE SAME WAY I DID?" mike shouted back. mikes eyes lit up with fury as he had a 'realization'.
"oh so i get it now.. your jealous. first you rejected me, next you get upset when lucas asks max out. i get it now." mike told us.

"you're in love with lucas, aren't you?" mike asked.

more tears ran down el's cheeks as she stood up off her bed and started to shout. "YES MIKE I AM JEALOUS. AND THATS WHY IM A CRYING WREK RIGHT NOW. BUT ITS NOT THAT IM JEALOUS OF MAX!" el screamed.

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