pt. 2

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max's pov:

"uhh.. can i help you?" the brunette asked. "u-uh no.." i stuttered feeling a bit nervous. "then why are you in my cabin?" she asked with a bit of announce to her voice. "what do you mean?" i asked. "i just got moved to this cabin a few minutes ago.." i continued. the annoyed and confused expression on her face vanished, and it got replaced with a calm and sweet one. "oh- i'm sorry, uh i'm jane, but you can call me el." el said sticking out her hand. "i'm maxine, but you can call me max." i responded while shaking her hand. as our hands touched it made my heart beat faster, and the butterflies got stronger. she let go of my hand, and then turned around.

"uh these are my friends," el said as she looked over at them. "this is will." as she pointed to the smaller boy with a bowl cut. "this is lucas." she said while pointing to the boy with dark hair and a bandana. "this is dustin." she continued while pointing at the curly haired boy. "and lastly this is mike." she said pointing to the raven haired boy.

"uh hey, nice to meet you guys." i said while still feeling a little flustered from shaking el's hand. "are you new to this camp? i've never seen you around here." el asked me. "uhm kinda, me and my mom just moved here from california like a month ago and she signed me up for this camp to make some friends." i told her. a soft smile appeared on el's face as she spoke. "why don't you hang out with us then? it's just the five of us, and it's boring not having another girl in this group." el told me.

el's offer to be their friends kind of shocked me. i had never really had a friend before. i mean, i had a few in california, but my stepbrother billy would always be mean to them and they would stop being my friend. "max?" el asked me while waving her hand in front of my face. "uh- what?" i asked kinda confused. "do you wanna be our friend?" el repeated. without hesitation i immediately agreed. "y-yeah that would be great." i told her while slightly stuttering due to the shock.

"great, we'll we're gonna head to the lake if you wanna come?" the curly haired boy asked. "yeah sure, let me just find my swim suit." i told them while smiling. "great, you guys go ahead, i'll stay with max." el told the boys. "no, that's okay, you don't have to." i told el. "don't worry about it, i rather stick around here for a few minutes." el replied. i smiled at her and couldn't help but feel more butterflies in my stomach. "okay, see you two at the lake." lucas called out as all four of them walked out of the cabin.

el turned to me with a smile and then spoke. "hey, just a heads up they're all kinda weird," she said. "i'm the only normal one." el continued while giggling. i started to slightly laugh as well and then i found my bathing suit. "i found it!" i told el as i pulled out the bathing suit. "okay, i will just stand outside so you can change." el told me as she walked towards the door and left the cabin.

as i got changed, i couldn't help but smile, just even at the thought of el. i put a hoodie over my bathing suit, and grabbed a towel, and then walked outside. "c'mon! let's go to the lake." el said as she started walking. i started to walk aswell, and we went towards the lake in silence.

"so where did you move from?" el asked me. "oh, i moved from california." i told her. "aw that's so cool! i wish i could live in california. your life must of been so perfect there!" el said. hearing that el assumed my life was perfect there, kinda hurt. my life was nothing but awful when i lived there. "uh actually not really.." i admitted. el looked over at me confused. "what do you mean?" she asked. "uhm well, my stepdad and stepbrother were just shitty and everything was shitty, and complete shit." i answered. "how so?" she asked.

i stayed silent, and just shrugged. i really wanted to tell el the truth, but i didn't want her to look at me and different. "max, it's okay, you can talk to me." el told me as we approached the lake. i was about to speak, when suddenly all four boys came running over to us. the taller boy with raven hair got close to el, and shook his head splashing water all over el. "hey! mike what the hell!?" el asked in a slightly annoyed tone. "come on el!! change and get into the lake!" he told her. el looked back at me and then spoke. "are you gonna come in the water?" she asked me.

"uh maybe in a bit." i told her. "okay, let me know when your gonna come in the water." el told me. i smiled and nodded. el took off her sweater, and underneath she was wearing a red bathing suit. the raven haired boy grabbed her hand and ran into the water with her, with the other three boys following.

i walked towards the dock they were swimming by, and sat down while dipping my feet in the water. i was planning on swimming, just not yet. i looked over at all 5 of them swimming and laughing, and the raven haired boy kept getting really close to el, and that made me really mad for some reason, no.. not just mad. jealous.

the more i watched el swimming, the more my stomach started to feel funny, like butterflies almost.

what no what am i saying!?

why would i get butterflies looking at el?

i mean she is REALLY beautiful, with her shoulder length curly brown hair, and her hazel eyes, and her- no what am i saying!? i can't have a crush on el!

first of all i don't even know her, second of all she is probably straight and has a crush on that stupid mike boy. and third.. i should probably stop staring at her because i probably look creepy.

i looked away from el, and stared down at the water that my feet were still dipping in. for whatever reason i started to feel a bit nervous, so i fidgeted with the sleeves of my sweater i was wearing. suddenly i heard a voice calling my name, and the sound of water splashing. i looked up to see el swimming towards me. "come on! get in!" she said with a smile. "uhh i don't know.." i told her. "c'mon, pleasee!" she asked again. i stayed silent and shrugged.

she sighed, but then climbed up into the dock. "is something bothering you?" she asked. "no- i don't know.." i answered. "what is it?" she asked softly. i sighed and then looked back at mike and the other three boys swimming. "uhm, i was just wondering if any of you guys are dating?" i asked nervously. "uhm not really, i think mike thinks we're together, but we're not anymore." she answered. "not anymore?" i asked a bit confused. "well we dated a bit last year, but then decided we were better off as friends." she answered.

suddenly the weight i felt on my chest previously went away, and i felt a lot calmer. "do.. you still like him?" i nervously asked. "no, not really.." el told me. i sighed a breath of relief, but i still felt a tiny bit jealous.

suddenly i felt a hand grab mine, and then el's voice. "come on, come in the water!" she told me. "yeah okay." i told her while taking off my sweater. because i put my bathing suit underneath my sweater, i just had to take off my sweater. i stood up off the dock, and was about to jump in, when i felt somebody push me in. i landed in the water and looked up at the dock, and saw el's laughing face. she jumped in next to me, and i couldn't help but feel more butterflies and smile.

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