pt. 11

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el's pov:

"so what did you think of the movie?" i asked max who was half asleep. "it was really good." she told me in a sleepy voice. "oh come on, you're not gonna go to sleep already, are you?" i asked her. "i don't know, maybe." she told me as she sat up. "the fun is not over yet, i have something else to show you." i told her as i stood up. "what is it?" she asked me. "the counslours do more things, trust me it's gonna be fun," i said while smiling. "i'm going to wake up the boys so i don't leave them in the freezing cold." i told her as i shook them awake. "wake up!" i said as i shook will awake. "huh?" he asked in a groggily voice. i looked over and noticed that dustin was laying on lucas, and drooling in his hand.

i slightly giggled and pointed to them, and max also slightly giggled. "guys wake up!" i said as i shook the rest of them awake. "what is it- AHH!" lucas screamed when he noticed the drool in his hand. him screaming caused dustin and mike to wake up. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?" lucas screamed at dustin. "WHAT? WHAT DID I DO NOW?" dustin yelled back. "LOOK AT MY HAND. ITS DISGUSTING." lucas shouted as he showed dustin his drool infested hand. me and max looked at eachother, and burst out laughing. "me and max are gonna go, see you guys later." i said inbetween giggles. i grabbed the blanket off the grass, and reached for max's hand to hold it in mine.

as soon as our hands made contact, i couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach come back, and my face felt hot and heated. "so what's the next surprise ba- uh.. el.." max asked. i looked at her slightly shocked.

did max almost just call me babe!? no- what am i thinking? i just misheard her.

"once again, it's a secret." i told her while smiling and slightly squeezing her hand. she nodded, and we kept walking in silence. the only thing i could hear at that moment was my heart pounding inside of my chest. i just hoped she didn't hear it aswell.


"and here we are." i told her as we sat down on some logs around a fire pit. "what is this?" she asked as somebody lit some logs of wood in the fire pit on fire. "after the movie night, people make s'mores and just hang out around the camp fire." i told her. that sounds awesome." she said while smiling. "it is, yo- uh i mean it's really pretty.." i told her as the fire lit up her face. max's ocean blue eyes were sparkling as she stared at the fire, meanwhile i stared at her. because of the orange, red, and yellow colours, it made her face give off a orangey tone, almost as bright as her ginger hair.

"alright, who wants some s'mores?" counslour tommy asked as everybody cheered. "alright, everyone can have a few each." he said as he handed everybody sticks with marshmallows on the end. "we get to roast the marshmallows?" max asked in an excited tone. "how else would we make them?" i asked her while slightly giggling. she started to giggle too, as she head the stick out into the fire to toast it. i did the same, and watched the once white marshmellow, turn to a light brown colour.

i could feel somebody staring at me, so i looked to my right and saw the few kids toasting their marshmellows, then i turned to my left, and made eye contact with max. her face immediately turned a light red colour, as she looked away back at the fire. "shit!" she said out loud as she brought the stick away from the fire. "are you okay?" i asked her. "yeah, the marshmellow is burnt, that's all." she told me.

"do you want mine?" i suggested as i brought mine away from the fire. "nah it's fine." she said as she carfully took the marshmellow off the stick. i did the same, and put the marshemllow inbetween 2 graham crackers, and put a peice of chocolate inbetween the marshmallow and top cracker, as max did the same. "cheers to an amazing night." max said as she held out her s'more. "cheers." i said while smiling and doing the same. i took a bite of the s'more, and it tasted amazing. "this is really good!" i said outloud. max nodded as she also took a bite.

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