pt. 20

987 21 2

max's pov:

"WHAT THE HELL!?" mike screamed. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" he continued. the bathroom door swung open, and el walked out with a concerned expression on her face. "what's going on? why are you guys screaming?" she asked as she walked up to us. "NOTHING OTHER THEN MAX HAS SOME SERIOUS ANGER ISSUES AND NEEDS THERAPY!" mike screamed. "OH I NEED THERAPY?" i screamed back. "GUYS STOP!" el shouted as she got inbetween us. both me and mike went silent as we gave eachother death glares. "what happened!?" she asked again.
"max just came up to me and lucas and started screaming and smashed the tv remote!" mike told el as he pointed at th smashed tv remote still on the ground. "BULLSHIT!" i yelled. "that's what happened!" lucas told el. all the screaming causes will and dustin to wake up. "what's going on?" will asked in a groggily voice.

"max is just being a psychotic bitch again, y'know just the usual." mike told him. el grabbed my hand, and led me into the bathroom. "max, what's going on?" el asked in a concerned tone. i stared at the ground as i spoke. "i'm sorry.. i saw that you were upset, and.. and i just lost it.." i admitted to her. "you did that.. for me..?" el asked. i nodded silently. "i-i'm sorry.. i know i have problems with my anger- it's just i don't wanna see you get hurt.." i told her. she softly smiled and then pulled me into a hug. "it's okay, it's not your fault max." she told me. i nodded into her shoulder as i hugged her really tight.

"how about we can set up our bed and we can go to bed early if you want." el suggested as we pulled away from the hug. i nodded again, and el opened the door and we walked out of the bathroom. "we're gonna call it a night okay?" el told the boys. "whatever.." mike muttered under his breath. we had already set up some air mattresses earlier, so we just had to get some pillows and blankets. both me and el had brought our pillows, and we could just use blankets off the couch, so we were good. i grabbed a blanket off the couch, and put it over the mattress. el passed me my pillow, and then lied down and i lied down next to her. "i'm pretty tired, can we also call it a night?" lucas asked. "i'm tired too- and dustin's already alseep." will told them. "fine.." mike said in an annoyed tone as he lied down on one of the mattresses.

"goodnight." el said so everyone could hear. "night el.." i wispered so only she could hear. not long later, the sound of snoring could be heard from the other side of the room. "ugh their even annoying when they're asleep." i told el as i covered my ears. "i know," el agreed. suddenly she shot up, and got off the air mattress. "where are you going?" i asked her. "one second sorry, i just need to get mr fibley." el said as she sat back up and dug though her backpack.

i sat up and stared at el as she dug though her backpack. "you got him?" i asked her. el continued to look though the bag, but suddenly her face turned from tired, to almost scared. "what is it?" i asked her. "he's not here!" el said in a panicked voice as she dumped out her backpack. "what? are you sure?" i asked her again. "yes! h-he's not here!" el said as tears almost immediately formed in her eyes. my mind thought back to a few hours ago when el had set mr. fibley down by the big drop. my heart sank once i realized we had forgot the get him again before we left. "shit!" i said as i jumped off the air mattress and grabbed my jacket. "where are you going?" el asked me in a sad tone. "to go get mr fibley." i told her as i put on my socks.

"max it's fine.." el said in a sad tone. "no! i'm gonna get him back." i told her. "max it's fine.. it's just a stupid stuffed anainal" el said as she continued to hold back tears. "no it's not el. it's important to you, so it's important to me." i told her. "but it's really dark out.." el told me. "back at camp i used to sneak out every night after midnight. i'm used to the dark." i told her with a soft smile. "well i wanna go with you then." el told me as she grabbed her jacket. "it's okay, you don't have to." i told her. "no max i don't wanna let you go alone." el told me. i sighed but agreed.

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