pt. 33

687 13 2

el's pov:

i could feel my eyes once again getting heavy as i layed in the arms of max. she was messing around with my hair, and i was almost falling asleep. "im getting kinda sleepy." i yawned as i looked up at her, and into the eyes of my girlfrien- my soulmate. "i can go turn off the lamp if you want." she suggested with a soft smile. i nodded, and she carfully sat up and got off my bed. i slightly smiled to myself as i still couldn't believe it. i had an amazing girlfriend who i loved, and who loved me, both my dad, and soon to be stepmom and stepbrother support me, plus they support me and max's relationship. i couldn't get luckier. max turned off the light, and was about to sit back down on my bed to lay down beside me when the fimilar sound of a walkie-talkie started to make sounds like static. then suddenly lucas' voice could be heard.

"max? el? are you guys there?" he asked inbetween the noise of the static because we lived so far away. "you gotta be shitting me." max groaned as she grabbed her walkie-talkie out of her backpack to answer. "we're sleeping! go away!" she told him. "max! we wanna talk to you- me, mike, and dustin." he told us. dread filled my stomach as i sat up and rubbed my eyes. because i kicked all three of them out of my room after they found out about me and max being a couple, and then i fell asleep, i had no clue if they were happy, sad, angry, or even wanted to be our friends anymore. max groaned again as she looked over at me wondering what to do. i gave a simple shrug as i didn't know what to do either.

"speak." max coldly told him in a harsh tone. "okay- well first of all i'm sorry for asking you out. i didn't know that you were daiting someone- that you were dating el," he corrected himself. "or that you were possibly even.. gay.." he continued. her face softened as she spoke. "so does that mean you are not mad at me or el? we're all still friends?" she asked him. lucas paused for a second, but then spoke. "yeah," he agreed. "friends." he continued. a small smile spread across her face, as with mine, but hers quickly dropped as she spoke again. "what about the others?" she asked. "are they also mad?" she continued. "dustin? no. mike?" he slightly trailed off. "he is.. confused, upset, hurt.. but i wouldn't say he's mad. now- maybe.. but he won't be for long." lucas told us.

when lucas said that, i felt relieved that i still had lucas and dustin, but it kinda upset me that mike was mad. even if he was not gonna be for long, it still hurt.
"well me and el are tired so we're gonna go back to sleep, okay?" max told him while yawning. "okay, have a good sleep. over and out." lucas said as the
walkie-talkie could be heard turning off. max set down the walkie-talkie on the bed side table, and then layed down beside me. "oh hey- look at this.." max said as she handed me something. i slightly giggled as i grabbed mr. fibley from her and slightly hugged it. she softly smiled as she also cuddled up to me. "sweet dreams baby." max said as i could feel my eyes starting to get heavy once again. "sweet dreams love." i said back.

~a few hours later~

"im so full." i conplained as me and max left the kitchen. "me too, but holy shit your dad is a good cook." max said. "i know, but joyce's cooking is so much better." i told her. "that's true." max said while holding back a grin. we were about to walk upstairs when suddenly a great idea hit me. "max! i have an idea!" i told her. she turned around to look at me, and then started to giggle. "what? what is it?" i asked her confused. "sorry- you're eyes sparkle when you get excited and it's cute." she told me as i could feel my cheeks going red. "aw, thanks." i stammered trying to not to turn into a blushing mess. "anyways, what is it?" she asked me. "oh yeah- what if we go to the beach to watch the sunset?" i suggested. her eyes also lit up as she spoke. "that's an amazing idea love!" she agreed.

(A/N- pretend there are beaches in hawkins🥲)

"DAD! ME AND MAX ARE GOING TO THE BEACH. BE BACK SOON!" i called out as i turned around and ran downstairs with max following me. "okay, don't be out too late." he told us. "okay!" i called out as i put my shoes on. as soon as she put her shoes on, i grabbed her hand and practically dragged her outside. "here we can take my bike, and you can take will's spare bike he keeps here." i told her as i grabbed both bikes and stood them up. "alright, thanks!" she thanked me as she got onto will's bike. i also got onto my bike and started to slowly petal, but then an idea came to my mind. "hey, how about we race?" i suggested. a small grin spread across her face as she spoke. "okayy.. but there's no way you can beat me." she grinned. "are you sure about that!?" i called out as i started to bike faster, gaining speed and passing her. "HEY! no fair you got a head start!" she called back as she started to bike faster. i started to giggle as i turned my head, and saw her trying to catch up to me.


"HA I WON!" i yelled as we reached the beach. i got off my bike and excitedly started to spin around in circles and dance. eventually max biked towards the entrance and got off the bike. "good job baby, i thought i would for sure win the race." she slightly giggled while trying to catch her breath. "just admit it, im better." i grinned in a jokey way. she smiled as she propped will's bike against a sign post, as i did the same. "come on, im tired and i wanna sit down." she told me as she grabbed my hand and we walked though the entrance of the beach.

we walked towards the water, and sat down on the sand. the sun was slightly starting to set, so there were only a few people there. the water was slowly swishing back and fourth, and birds were flying around trying to eat all the scrap foods people had left behind. i squeezed max's hand tighter and leaned on her shoulder, cuddling into her more as i looked around at all the people and kids having fun. there was a woman watching her son surf in the waves, a man and woman playing with their toddler daughter, a man pushing his twin daughter and son on a swing set that they had on the beach, and then there was mike and holly.. WAIT- WHAT?

max noticed the same time as me, and her eyes filled with fury. "oh you've got to be shitting me." she groaned as she stood up. mike had yet to notice us, as he was paying attention to holly who was digging a sand castle. "max- baby wait!" i called out as i chased after her. "HEY ASSHOLE!" she called out as mike looked up to see us. "exuse me?" he asked as he stood up. "listen here mike- if you have a problem with me and el's relationship then screw you!" she yelled. his eyebrows furrowed as he spoke. "i don't have a problem. sure i'm mad- upset.. but i really don't care. yeah i'm hurt el doesn't want to be MY girlfriend, but at least she's happy with you i guess.." he shrugged.

max's face turned from angry to confused. "so your not mad?" she asked a little confused. he sighed but shook his head. "there's not a lot i can do i guess. there's no way to ever make el like me if she's gay and not straight." mike admitted. i softly smiled as i spoke. "thanks.." i sheepishly replied. he smiled and nodded. "uhm- so we're all cool?" max asked him. "we're all cool. nobody's mad and none of us are gonna stop being your friends." mike smiled. "thanks.." max smiled back. "anyways- have a good night." he said before he glanced over to holly. "holly- time to go home. mom wants you in bed in an hour." mike told his little sister. "aww.." she sighed as she stood up and grabbed mikes hand. they both walked away without saying another word, leaving me and max there alone.

"wow.." max mumbled. "i know, i for sure thought he was gonna be mad." i admitted. "me too, but anyways. should we go back to watching the sunset?" she suggested. i glanced over at the sky, and realized the sunset was going to start any minute. "yeah, let's go love." i agreed as i grabbed her hand. we walked over to our original spot and sat down. i rested my head on her shoulder as the sky turned a whole bunch of pretty shades. red, pink, yellow, orange, purple, and pretty colours like that. i couldn't help but smile. everything in my life was perfect right now. i had a girlfriend i loved more then anything in the world, and she loved me. mike was finally over me, i had amazing friends, and my dad was getting remarried in a month. everything was perfect right now.

"baby?" max softly spoke.

"yeah love?" i answered.

"i love you." she told me.

i softly smiled as i spoke.

"i love you too." i said back.

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