pt. 34

908 19 34

max's pov:

~1 month later~

(max's journal)

august 17th 1985,
dear journal whatever. it has been officially a week since i started writing in the journal (which i only agreed too because my girlfriend el begged me to) and not gonna lie, it's sorta helping. like i previously mentioned el, she is my girlfriend and i love her more then anything in my entire life. there's absolutely no doubt i'm going to marry this girl, she makes me happier then i have ever been in my whole life, and i love her more then anything in my life. anyways speaking of weddings, today is el's father and his fiancés wedding, and i'm invited. me and el are going to be the flower girls. everything in my life is going amazing right now, and for once i'm actually happy. it sucks summer is almost over, but it's been the best summer ever. of course i have been trying to spend every waking moment i can with el, but sometimes i can't because.. i got a part time job! sure it's boring and i hate it, but it helps me and my mom pay the bills so she can spend more time with me. im a life guard in training because i want to take after billy my stepbrother. yeah yeah i know he was a dick, but my mom helped me see things from his perspective. i still hate him, but not as much. i didn't realize it before, but my stepfather neil was not just abusing me, but also him. speaking of my mom, she is actually getting to know the real me. she still supports me and el's relationship, which i am very grateful for. before i thought she was just a shitty mom who didn't care about her daughter, but know i know she is actully trying. anyways, the wedding starts in like 20 minutes so i gotta go. bye.

(end of journal)

i took a deep breath as i closed my journal and set it down. el was actully right, it does help expressing my emotions and writting about all my feelings. normally i just wrote about el and nothing else- but that was fine. at least i was writing at all. "MAX! TIME TO LEAVE!" my mom called from the kitchen. "OKAY MOM!" i called back. i grabbed the two gift bags off the floor, and quickly glanced in the mirror staring at my dark blue dress. i messed around with my hair like i always did whenever i looked in the mirror, and eventually decided to just leave it. "MAX!" my mom called again. "OKAY!" i shouted back. i gave up on my hair, and ran out my bedroom towards the front door.


i glanced around nervously as i walked though the entrance of the outdoor wedding. most of the people i didn't know, untill i spotted hopper and joyce. i softly smiled and waved at them as they waved back. my eyes continued to dart around desperately trying to find el, untill i eventually saw her talking to will. her back was towards me, so she didn't see me sneaking up behind her. will saw me though, and held back his grin knowing what i was going to do. in one quick motion i wrapped my arms around el's waist and spun her around. "boo!" i said while spinning her around. "max! you scared me!" she complained as i set her down. i grinned at her and she couldn't hold back her laughter. i quickly looked her up and down looking at her outfit, and like always i could feel my face going red. "wow- baby you look beautiful.." i told her. she softly smiled as she spoke. "you also look very beautiful." she smiled back. i was about to lean in for a kiss when will interrupted us. "geez- get a room." he conplained.

el spun around to face him as she spoke. "now that you and joyce are officially moving in your gonna have to deal with this ALL the time." el said while giggling. "plus aren't you and mike dating now?" el asked him. will's face went red as he looked down at the ground with a giant grin on his face.

oh yeah- something else. about two weeks ago will came out as gay, and mike came out as bisexual and they officially started to date. now that i think about it that was why will seemed so upset and sad when mike asked el out when we all first met, and why mike got over el so quickly.

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