pt. 16

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max's pov:

"are you okay el?" i ask el. "yeah i'm fine." she says as she glances at the floor while walking out of scoops ahoy. "are you sure? you seem upset." i ask again. el stays silent for a few seconds, then speaks. "who was that girl at the counter?" she blurts out. "oh- that's robin, she's one of my friends." i tell her. she nods as dustin speaks. "see? steve is not mean at all!" dustin tells us. "he still broke my sisters heart." mike says. "hey, nancy broke up with him!" dustin tells us. "stop fighting you're giving me a headache!" i yell at them. "sorry.." lucas says. "so where should we go now?" dustin asks. "i can ask steve to sneak us into a movie." dustin suggests. i look over at el, and notice she looked really sleepy. "why don't we just go home, me and el are tired." i tell them. "that's fine with me." will says. "what!? when does she get to decide?" mike asks. "mike, man, relax let's just go home!" lucas says. "whatever." mike says as he rolls his eyes.


"el, why don't you ride in the back of my bike?" mike suggests. "what about will?" el asks. "uh-"
"it's fine i'll just ride on the back of max's bike." el says while sitting behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist, causing my heart to start racing. "can we race back?" dustin asks. "no!" will says loudly as he gets on the back of mikes bike. "fine." dustin growns. i start to petal my bike following the boys, and then i hear slight snoring. "you awake el?" i softly ask. there was no response so i asked again. "ellie?" i ask and then cringing at the name i just called her. will glanced over at us and then spoke. "max shes alseep." he told me. i nodded and slightly smiled. wow. el was asleep on ME.


"el wake up." i say in an attempt to wake her up. i slightly hit her with my elbow, since if i got off my bike she would also fall off. "hm?" she asked as i felt her wake up. "you fell asleep." i said while slightly giggling. "oh sorry.." she said as she got off my bike. "don't be sorry, it's okay." i told her as i got off my bike. she smiled and then we followed the boys inside.

"mike is it okay if i get some water?" will asks as he took off his shoes. "yeah sure, i'm thirsty too, anyone else want water?" mike asked. "i'm thirsty!" dustin said as he ran into the kitchen with all of us following him. "holly please eat," mrs wheeler asked as she attempted to give holly her food. "oh hey guys." mrs wheeler said as she noticed all 6 of us. mr. wheeler looked up from his news paper and groaned. "great, just what we need in this house, more kids." he said outloud. "ted! don't be so rude!" mrs wheeler snapped at him. "sorry." he muttered in an unapologetic tone. "anyways, what can i get you guys?" mrs. wheeler asked. "me, will, and dustin want some water." mike said as he grabbed three cups and filled them with water. "okay, have you all already had lunch?" mrs. wheeler asked. everyone said yes, but i didn't, but i didn't want to be a burden so i also said yes.

"okay, let me know what you guys want for dinner in a bit." mrs. wheeler told us. "okay thanks mom." mike said as he set down his glass of water and ran down stairs with us all following him.

"can we play dnd now?" will asked as he walked over to the table where they had dnd set up. "uhm-" i said while glancing at el who was practically asleep on the couch. "yea! i wanna show you how to play max!" lucas said as he grabbed my hand and made me sit down, which made me slightly uncomfortable. "i don't wanna play this!" i told them. "please just play, it'll be so much fun." lucas says. "no!" i tell him again feeling really annoyed. "i will never force you to play again!" he tells me. "oh my god fine just leave me alone after!" i say loudly and in an annoyed tone. a smile spread across his face as he spoke. "okay, can we start fresh for max?" lucas asked. "but this campaign took a week to plan!" will told us. "just start fresh? and we can quickly make a role for max." lucas told them. will sighed but then reluctantly agreed. "okay, max there are many roles, there's human which is not very good, elf, half elf-"

"i don't care! half elf i guess, i don't care!" i told them in a slightly inpatient tone. "okay, and what do you want your role to be? i'm the ranger, mikes our paladin, wills our cleric, dustin's our bard-" "is there one called zoomer?" i asked. lucas slowly looked over at the other boys not knowing what to say, and then spoke. "uhhh.." he said awkwardly. i groaned and then put my head on the table.


"WILL THE MIND FLARE IS COMMING FOR YOU AND MAX! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?" lucas yelled. "WILL YOUR ACTION!" mike yells. "uhhh.." will stutters. "fire ball him!" dustin yells. "but i will have to roll a 13 or high-"

"whatever give me the dice!" i yell as i rip the dice out of wills hand, and throw them onto the table. all four boys stare in awe as i roll at 20. "HOLY SHIT!" dustin screams as he stands up. "guys shut up your gonna wake up el!" i snap at them.
"BUT YOU JUST-" dustin yells before i cut him off from his sentence. "stop it! it's just a stupid fantasy game, it's not a big deal if i roll a 20!" i tell them as i also stand up. "MAX YOU JUST WON A GAME THAT TOOK OVER A WEEK TO PLAN!" lucas tells me. "yeah and i don't care," i tell them. "dnd is stupid." i say as i walk towards the couch el was sleeping on. "whatever let's just start planning a new campaign." mike says as he turns the music off. "dude that would take a long time." lucas says. "yeah but el is asleep and max is being a difficult bitch like always." mike says in an annoyed tone.

"i'm being a difficult bitch!?" i ask as i spin around to give mike a death glare. "how about we watch a movie?" dustin suggests. i glance at the clock and look at the time. '4:38' it red. "when is dinner gonna be ready? if it will take a bit then we can." i tell them. "my mom will have dinner ready at like 6:30 so we have time." mike tells us. "what movie?" will asks. "ghost busters!" dustin suggests. "fine." mike says as he sits beside el. "move." i say in a serious tone. "why? go sit somewhere else." mike tells me. i flip him off as i try to make room on the couch for me, without waking el up.

i suddenly heard a soft voice speak. "do you want me to move?" el asked in a muffled tired tone. "hey, no it's okay. if you want i can sit somewhere else." i tell her. "no there's room bedside me." el says as she sat up and patted the spot beside her. i softly smile and slightly blush as i sit down beside her. she tries to move over so i had more room, but then noticed mike was on her right. she sighed and then got a bit closer to me, so she didn't have to be really close to him.

so there we were, dustin, lucas, and will on the big couch, and el sandwiched inbetween me and mike in the small couch. mike turned on the movie, and then grabbed a blanket and then spoke. "are you cold el?" he asked as he offered her the blanket. "yeah thanks." el said as she took the blanket from him, and put it over me and her, instead of her and mike. the grin that was one mikes face just a second before, vanished in a second, as a grin spread across el's face. we both tried to hold back our laughter as we saw his annoyed expression.


"are those ghosts real?" el nervously asked as i felt her grab my hand. "no- don't worry it's all fake el." i told her as i squeezed her hand back. she nodded, but stayed silent for the rest of the time, while i became really worried.

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