pt. 6

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el's pov:

"is she okay?" i asked the nurse in a concerned voice. "she has a fever, but she will be fine," nurse lane said as she set down the thermometer. "she just needs lots of rest." nurse lane continued. "no it's fine really, i'm okay." max insisted for the hundredth time. "you need some rest max, i don't want to see you in my office for the rest of camp, okay?" she told max. max looked over at me hoping i would disagree with nurse lane, but i agreed with the nurse. "can i take her back to the cabin?" i asked the nurse. "yes, make sure to take good care of her." nurse lane told me as i helped max up. "yep, will do." i told her.


"el you really don't need to do this." max told me as we entered the cabin. "yes i do, and i want to take care of you!" i insisted. "why? i am fine!" max told me. "max, you have a fever of 102!" i told her. max stayed silent for a few seconds, and then spoke. "so...?" she asked in a confused tone. "so? max-" "el, it's okay!" she told me while interrupting me. "no! plus it's my fault you are sick so please let me take care of you!" i begged her. she sighed and then agreed. "fine.." she said. "it's not you're fault though." she continued. "yes it is, i should of just jumped in the lake. not you," i told her. "it was my dare anyways." i continued. "well i rather be sick and you take care of me, then you be sick." she told me. "does that mean your gonna let me take care of you?" i asked her while slightly smiling. "finee.." she said in a teasing tone.

"okay good!!" i said in an excited tone. i grabbed the blanket she had around her before, and draped it over he once again. next i went over to my bed and quickly made it, and made max lie down. "lay down." i told her. "but that's your bed? i can just lay in mine?" she told me. "yes but we both know my bed is more comfortable!" i told her while making her lay down. "okay.. suit yourself." she said as i pulled the covers over her. "okay, now nurse lane said to take medicine twice every day." i said while running over to the medication i had been given to give to max.

"el, i'm supposed to take that 5 hours apart, it's been 15 minutes since i last took it!" max told me. "oh yea-" i said in a slightly embarrassed tone. max slightly giggled as i walked back over to my bed to make sure she was still tucked in. "el it's okay, your acting like my mom." max said while still giggling. "sorry.." i said in a slightly embarrassed tone. "no it's okay," she told me. "it's kinda.. cute.." she admitted.

once she said that, i couldn't help myself but from smiling and slightly blushing.

"you should try and get some rest." i told her. "oh yeah i guess so." she said. "well, have a good sleep." i said as i smiled at her. "thanks." she replied while also smiling. she shut her eyes and rolled onto her side, as i stood up and walked over to her bed and sat down. i glanced at the floor and noticed max's backpack with all of her stuff inside of it. i looked a little closer and saw a book sticking out. i grabbed the book, and flipped it over and red the title.

"wonder woman.." i red out loud quietly.

i opened the book to the first page and red the first page. scribbled in messy hand writting was a message and a date in the corner. '8/12/78, to my brave little superhero maxine, i hope you love this comic and it will be an inspiration for you when your older. happy 7th birthday -dad.' it red. i slightly smiled at the note her dad had wrote in her comic, and then turned to the next page and started to read it. it was apparently about a woman on an island of only other women, and she had super powers, and something called a 'golden lasso of truth'.


by now i was really invested in this book, or comic they call it. it was pretty cool, and i really liked wonderwoman so far, she was kind, funny, and-

"el?" i sleeping voice asked.

i looked up and saw the sleeping redhead girl rubbing her eyes. "oh hey your awake!" i said while setting down her comic and standing up. "yeah, i can't sleep.." she told me. "aw," i said while sitting at the end of my bed. i glanced back over at the comic i was reading, and a idea came to me. i stood up and grabbed the comic, and then walked back over to my bed.

"what about i read you this?" i suggested. a smile appeared on her face and she agreed. i got underneath the blankets with her, since i was starting to become cold too, and then i turned to the front of the book and red the message again. "wow, you've had this book for a long time." i pointed out. "oh yeah, my dad gave it to me for my 7th birthday." she told me. "aww your dad seems so nice." i said. "i guess.." she replied in a sad tone.

i was tempted to ask if she was okay, or what was wrong, but i didn't want to upset her more. "long long ago there was a princess by the name of dianna." i red out loud as i felt her cuddle into me. as i red the next part i could feel my cheeks start to warm up, and more butterflies in my stomach.


"guys wake up!" i heard someone yell. i opened my eyes to see dustin's face. "what do you want? we're sleeping." i said in a groggily voice as i closed my eyes again. "it's time for dinner, are you guys coming or what?" mike asked. "nope." i said while rolling onto my side. "okay, should we just bring you guys your dinner then?" will asked. "sure." i mumbled as i tried to go back to sleep. "okay." will said.


i opened my eyes once again to see max sitting up reading her comic. "hey what are you doing awake?" i asked her. "oh good morning." max said with a soft smile. "moring!?" i asked while sitting up. "i slept though the whole day and whole night!?" i asked her. "yeah, you seemed pretty tired, and i didn't want to wake you up." max told me. "well are you okay? did you take your medicine?" i asked her feeling slightly panicked. "yes, yes i took it a bit ago." she told me. i sighed while relieved, and lied back down.

"how did i sleep for almost a day straight?" i asked her. "no clue, you fell asleep around 6pm, and right now it's like 7 am, so not too long." max answered. "wait it's wednesday right?" i asked max. "yeah, camp ends of friday right?" she asked me. "yeah it does, summer went by way too fast." i told her. "yeah i agree," she said. "we should hang out after camp since we live so close!" she suggested. "yeah that sounds amazing." i said while softly smiling.

max smiled and then spoke. "aweso-" "YOU GUYS ARE FINALLY AWAKE!" dustin yelled as him and the other boys barged into our cabin. "how can you guys even get in here?" i asked them confused. "we have a ke-" "dude shut up!" lucas said while covering will's mouth. "you know what if once you guys run in without knocking, and we're naked?" max boldly asked.

all four boys faces dropped, and they looked like they didn't know what to say. "uh-" lucas stuttered as he looked to the other boys to see if they knew what to say. will awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he stared at us awkwardly. "i'm kidding, but you bozo's need to learn to knock." max told them. "yep yep will do." lucas awkwardly said as his face turned red. "are you guys gonna come to get breakfast, or are you too tired still?" mike asked in a bored tone. "damn, is food all you think about?" max asked him. "wha- no.." he answered. "he thinks about el too." lucas said while holding back a grin. mike hit him in the arm as he gave him a glare.

"probably not because max is still sick." i told them. "oh your sick? are you okay?" lucas asked while looking concerned. "yeah, thanks to el." max said as she looked over at me and smiled. "if you want we can go to breakfast, i am feeling better." max told me. "alright then, because i'm pretty hungry." i said as i got out of bed.

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