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Damon came down from his bedroom, stepping over dead bodies that was laying on his staircase.
He slowly walked to his living room to hear giggling and walked in to see girls playing twister while Stefan was spinning the board.
"Uh oh, Alexandra. Left hand, please." Stefan told her, Alexandria walked up to him and gave him her left hand. Stefan grabbed it before feeding on her.
"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug." Damon told him. Stefan release Alexandra before wiping his lips." you mean they owe us a Persian rug. It's my house too, brother." He said." Would you like a spin?"
"This is what klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?" Damon said walking up to his brother." These ladies are helping me be all that I can be." He told Damon, who was twisting his lips a little before looking at the door, hearing a knock.
Damon walk to the door before opening it, only for a blond headed girl to come in.
"Where's Stefan?" She asked coming in with bags." who the hell are you?" Damon asked, watching her come in before shutting the door.
"He left me here. My brother actually left me here." Rebekah told Stefan." oh, I'm sorry, your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care." He told her and she glared at him.
"You're klaus's sister?" Damon asked, looking at her." Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure." she said, turning around to look at Damon before turning back to Stefan." which one's my room?"
"You're not staying here." Stefan said chuckling." Rude. Both of you." she told them." it's a good thing I called someone else, who would more then love to have me stay at their place instead." She said and they looked at her.
"Then, why don't you go there instead?" Stefan asked as he grabbed another girls hand before feeding on it." because he is not here. But, when he does get here, I will tell him how you guys are miss treating me." She said and smirks.
"And, you think we're scared of your little bodyguard." Stefan told her." he's not just anybody guard. He happens to be my brother." Rebekah told her as she sat her bags on the ground.
"You mean Elijah, I thought he was still daggered." Damon asked." Not him. My other brother. I called him the other day and he will be coming here." She told him.
"Why would you bring another original member of your family here." Damon said, looking at her to see if she was actually stupid or just blonde.