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Everyone was fleeing the heavy downpour, everyone but two people to be precise.

Sei wondered passingly how Quanxi didn't feel cold but chalked it up to her being a hybrid, it didn't stop the people from casting the two girls a weird look, both seemingly dressed for a sunny day.

She was following her through the streets.

"We'd cover more grounds if we split up you know?" Sei said, brushing the bangs sticking too her face aside.

"If we don't get this devil taken care off China might drown under water." Quanxi said, looking at the drains on the side of the road unable to swallow anything anymore, the roads and streets filled with several inches of water, seeping in through the sport shoes Sei was wearing. "You'll take the Eastern side, I go Western."

"Got it." Sei bounced from her spot, landing in a crouch on top of an advertising board hung two floors from the ground, jumping further on another one, bouncing from one too the other as she moved with ease, still much better then any human and, technically, devil despite the condition she was in.

She grabbed the bottom of a higher up sign and swung, sending her landing on top of a TV post, a high post with satellite dishes all around it with a mass of cables wired into it.

It stood higher then most buildings in this area, offering her an overview of the town.

"Where can you be?" She asked, eyes stopping on a water treatment building.

She crouched down before jumping, making her way towards it, it would be a great hiding spot.


She landed in front of it.

"Hmmm... I sure do hope you are here." She said, grabbing the railing and vaulting herself over it, walking to the main entrance.

She didn't enter, looking through the fogged window of the entrance before looking aside as the squawking she heard.

Seeing several black ravens landing on the railing, ravens and crows always meant corpses.... Or they did in the olden times.

"Come." She held up her hand towards them, directing an order at them. "Be my weapon."

The ravens flew and rushed too her hand, the bodies molding into a black mass, forming a pure black sword in her hands, despite being the same devil some of its abilities went to her sister and some to her, Makima could control rats, she could control ravens and crows for example.

She turned back to the door and kicked it in.

She turned on the buzzing neon lights before grabbing the emergence 'devil in building' lever as they now existed in more places then fire alarms did, pulling it down, hearing the distant blaring of siren just starting up and headed deeper in.


The sound of the rain was muffled in the big building, sword resting on her shoulder as Sei walked between machinery, staring to wonder if she chose right, she had a gut feeling she did but still.... One can always doubt themselves.

She opened the big doors to the room where the water would be pumped back in the pipes as drinking water and the smell of blood wafted out of the area.

She could see the mangled corpses of many workers.

Bolt Through The Heart (Quanxi X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now