Daisy and Lucinda Part 1 (Edited)

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Author's Note: 02/05/2023

Just a heads up that Daisy will not be like Rose. She's a lot different, and I won't be sticking to the scripts (Conversations between the Doctor and Rose based in the episodes) I have found online a few years ago and have been using for every book I've been doing on here.

Also, I've never wrote in 2nd and 3rd person...at least I don't think I have, so please bare with me. If it doesn't look great, I'll rewrite it in Daisy's point of view.

I'm also so, so sorry that updates are taking so long but having 30 books isn't a great idea. Honestly, some books may have to go on hold as I write books out of it being a hobby and fun for me to go into my own world, but the pressure of updating one book then another straight away and feeling like I have to rush chapters just takes the motivation and joy out of it. And I really don't want that to happen as I hate being the person who doesn't update their books so readers can't find out what happens next.

Author's Note (21/11/2023): I am looking through each chapter and correcting spelling mistakes and typos.


In London, there's a young blonde girl placing away the clothes boxes whilst keeping her goddaughter by her side inside the busy shop since she agreed to take over her sister's shift last minute with no one to look after Lucinda.

"This is a customer announcement." A voice announces through the speakers, almost startling the two girls. "The store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you."

Daisy places Lucinda's hand in hers then follows the other shop workers to the door, only for a security guard to wave a plastic bag in front of her face arrogantly. "Oi!"

She sighs and takes the bag off him before heading to the back of the shop with Lucinda on her tail to get inside a lift.

"I'm cold." Lucinda whispers to Daisy, wrapping her small arms around her stomach. The heating being turned off from the shop closing for the night affecting the little girl as the cold January winds from outside travelling through the open door where the two security guards stand. 

Daisy takes her scarf off. "We'll be back at Mickey's soon then I'll make us some hot chocolate with marshmallows before bed. How does that sound?" She asks, wrapping it around Lucinda's arms like a blanket before pressing the button for the lift.

"Yummy!" Lucinda grins in response at the thought of the hot drink.

The lift doors open, and they step inside and press the button for the basement before stepping out a few seconds later.

"Wilson!" Daisy calls as she heads over to his office door with Lucinda trailing beside her. "Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson, are you there!" She shouts, knocking on the metal door but there's no reply which worries Daisy, but she places a brave face on for Lucinda. "I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop, and I need to get my goddaughter home. Wilson!"

Lucinda looks up at Daisy with a frown. "I don't like this."

Daisy smiles at her Goddaughter and crouches down to her height so they're directly eye to eye. "There's nothing to be scared about, sweetie. If Wilson doesn't answer..." She trails off mid sentence and turns her head as they hear a sound coming from down the corridor, thinking it could be him. "Come on."

They follow the sound to the end of the corridor and open a door to a store room.

Lucinda switches the light on and jumps back against Daisy's body as she comes face to face with a mannequin, not prepared to see one so close to her like that.

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