World War Three Part 4 (Sneak Peak)

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Author's Note: When I am finished writing the rest, I will publish the chapter. But I just want you all to know I am currently in the process of writing the chapter, it's just taking time as I have a lot of books that need attention too.

The Doctor takes the phone off Daisy and places it on loud speaker. "Is that Ricky? Don't talk, just shut up and go to your computer."

"It's Mickey, and why should I?" He asks the Doctor with anger pouring into his voice.

"Mickey the Idiot, I might just choke before I finish this sentence." The Doctor pulls a face at what he is going to say next but knowing Mickey is the only one who can probably help them. "But, er, I need you."

Daisy smirk teasingly at the Doctor. "Now, was that so hard, honey?"

Lucinda laughs, grinning at the Doctor. "Dad, you didn't choke."

The Doctor rolls his eyes playfully at his girls. "I feel like I'm being teamed up against here."

"Because you are." Lucinda shrugs innocently causing Daisy to laugh.

Mickey logs onto his computer and speaks through the phone. "What do you need me to do?"

"Go to the UNIT website, hack in." The Doctors orders him.

Daisy hugs Lucinda from behind like a mother protecting her child as they wait for Mickey's response anxiously.

"It says password." Mickey speaks up.

The Doctor attaches the phone onto a speaker. "Say again."

"It's asking for the password." Mickey replies.

"Buffalo. Two Fs, one L."

"Mickey, what are you doing?" Rose asks him curiously.

"What's that website?" Jackie speaks up.

Mickey turns to them. "All the secret information known to mankind. See, they've known about aliens for years. They just kept us in the dark."

The Doctor rolls his eyes. "Mickey, you were born in the dark."

Daisy looks at him. "Doctor, did you just-"

"Yes, I called him Mickey, love." The Doctor answers her but doesn't look at Daisy as his focus is on the phone.

"Oi, leave him alone!" Rose shouts with anger.

Mickey ignores her and speaks into the phone. "Password again."

"Just repeat it ever time." The Doctor looks at everyone in the room and starts pacing back and forth. "Big Ben - why did the Slitheen go and hit Big Ben?"

Harriet looks at him. "You said to gather the experts, to kill them."

"That lot would've gathered for a weather balloon." The Doctor says with amusement as he snorts. "You don't need to crash land in the middle of London."

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